Freak that I am I downloaded both versions so that I'd have a copy in both my Buffy/headtilt folder and my Buffy/Lumniosity folder. I suppose I could have started a new folder for them, but generally I only do that when I have more than one vid per fandom/vidder.
My cataloging of my vids ground to a halt soon after I started.
Is it spoily for the last Angel?
Then I'll see if I can figure out how to watch it when I get home.
And y'all might want to watch Sisabet's latest Smallville vid "Without You I Am Nothing". Because it has been killing me all weekend, in that good way.
And y'all might want to watch Sisabet's latest Smallville vid "Without You I Am Nothing". Because it has been killing me all weekend, in that good way.
Oh, hell yes. Watch and break.
And then follow it up with the insta-mood-lift of the Angel vid to This Is My West Hollywood Lifestyle (Whatever).
I got the best feedback ever. Another Buffista has started watching H:LOTS. My plan is working...there might be a Bayliss in every home one day...but he's still mine. (Although, in the interest of inclusion, I would work out a timeshare with a similarly inclined male Buffista. Just so Timmy doesn't miss anything.)
That SV vid is brilliant. Thanks for reccing it here. I went and saw Whatever when it was recced previously, hilariously funny. I love the vids.
OK, LA-istas, where's your closest outlet mall? Cause it's about to be a site of demon activity.
So...hi everyone! Delurking in this thread to hopefully start a discussion that I can use in a paper...if all participants are cool with that.
My first essay for my honors seminar is one on imitation. I'm thinking about writing it on fan fiction as a form of imitation. So, I guess, first of all, are you guys willing to help me out on this? If you are, am I even in the right thread? Do you guys all write fan fiction too? Or do you mostly just discuss it?