It also makes me want to cut off my hands and burn my keyboard, becasue I'm never going to be as good a writer.
She's like that. She's also gorgeous, intelligent, witty, and a Fraser who bagged her Kowalski through sheer force of will.
In fact, she is ita-like in that she's "too cool too exist" and "I'd hate her if she wasn't so amazing."
Le sigh.
t hurries off to kill self
I shouldn't have read that. Now I don't think I'll ever write again.
It helps that it was a "five things" story,
Speranza posted one for "Kowalski is Burning" and it was absolutely fascinating.
!!!!! shrift and Speranza did these stories?
I am actually flushed with anticipation. Awww man. I want to read them right now. I must write this paper first, though, because I am virtuous and shit.
I'd love to take part in the director's-commentary meme, too, but I also think no one would be interested-- plus there's the part where despite the fact that I believe I have something like seven (which isn't even a lot) published stories, only two or three of them ever really got off my hard drive and only one of them has been at all widely read (and even that was like six months ago). So! ... Anybody want to trade favors and egg each other onto doing it?
Speranza posted one for "Kowalski is Burning" and it was absolutely fascinating
Oh, seriously? Where? I've just been rereading that and I can't get it out of my mind.
(This entry, to be precise.)
Yeah. That was pretty much my reaction when I met her. "Wait, you're brilliant AND hot AND cool AND wearing a Chicago PD tank top?"
Too bad she's already spoken for, yo.
But this is the reason to come to Vividcon! It's small, intimate, and there are so many people to fangirl over!
Seriously, Vividcon is the coolest, and as I'll be going and reserving my own room, I heartily encourage people to sign up. I tend to be a big pushover about letting people crash in my hotel room. Just ask LJC.
I am actually flushed with anticipation.
Now I feel like I should have done a better job. Er.
I thought you did a lovely job, shrift. Despite the fact that I don't know Sports Night, so a certain amount of my mental energy was taken up with "which one was which again?"