I hate links that spawn a new window.
Now, see, I like when outside links open in a new window. Or, at least, until I realized how to make them do it myself. Because when something links away from a site, I used to get lost and not be able to find my way back to the original site.
As I said, though, now I know how to make links open in a new window.
I ain't smart, but I sure is pretty.
While we're on the subject and for comparision purposes, how readable to people find my site? (I've been considering re-doing some of it, and I'd like to know if there's anything that especially annoys.)
What things are especially common and especially annoying in terms of color, layout, etc.?
Tiny font. I grow weary of having to copy and paste a story into Word in order to read it.
Also, I understand that people want to protect their story or images but disabling the right click just irritates me. Plus it doesn't accomplish anything except that it makes me think you're silly.
Those animated thingies...
really ornate fonts and typefaces that look beautiful to you, but really are more "olde-tyme" than legible.
Oh! Animated cursors!
I'm not a fan of trying to navigate with a shimmering mass of stars, thanks.
Actually, I hate frames, period.
As do I. I've been meaning to figure out a different way to code Polyamorous to get away from them.
Hmm. Hmm. Maybe with some SSI I can...
t brain wanders off into the land of code
Oh! Animated cursors!
I'm so with Kristen on this. Animated cursors make the baby Jesus cry.
As do I. I've been meaning to figure out a different way to code Polyamorous to get away from them.
Off the top of my head, wouldn't be too hard.
Hmm. Many good ideas (and examples of spectacularly
ones) here...
I agree that animated cursors are of the Devil.
Te's site is fabulous. I love the dandelion motif.
Te's site is fabulous. I love the dandelion motif.
Me too. Except I always think I'm supposed to click on the dandelion instead of the text - or the other way round, I forget - and get all confused. But maybe that's just me.