Te's site is fabulous. I love the dandelion motif.
Me too. Except I always think I'm supposed to click on the dandelion instead of the text - or the other way round, I forget - and get all confused. But maybe that's just me.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Te's site is fabulous. I love the dandelion motif.
Me too. Except I always think I'm supposed to click on the dandelion instead of the text - or the other way round, I forget - and get all confused. But maybe that's just me.
Off the top of my head, wouldn't be too hard.
Oh, I know, but the sticking point has been, thus far, that there are a lot of preexisting links to the site, and therefore I must go about a redesign without breaking those links. Because I'm conscientious like that.
And also, kind of spread thin and thus not too speedy with the coding overhauls these days.
Oh, I know, but the sticking point has been, thus far, that there are a lot of preexisting links to the site, and therefore I must go about a redesign without breaking those links. Because I'm conscientious like that.
Oh, yeah. That's totally understandable. If I have thoughts, I'll send 'em your way.
To be more specific: server-side redirects!
Oh, I could do redirects. I'd just rather not have to.
I am, in fact, just being lazy. And I decided to attempt writing a Highlander/Good Omens crossover for a Yuletide New Year's Resolution challenge instead of rewriting source code.
taking many notes while thinking of my website
My biggest problem with design is I have a small monitor at home, so things look huge to me, or I make them bigger and it warps how it displays at home. I guess I ought to go to the library and check my font sizes over there.
I'm a freak, but I still need to know. If a woman has had three bullets taken from her heart, what would the scar look like? Are we talking one big one or more small ones? They got through her bulletproof vest, if that makes a difference.
Depending on how the bullets hit, I'd guess there's one big incision from the surgery, and possibly some smaller ones from the two bullet holes they didn't go in by. I hope that makes sense. It would depend if they were close enough to pull out with the big tweezer things (not likely because of heart muscle damage and sewing needed inside) or if they had to cut her open, I'm guessing that's the most likely.
If you have heart surgery, then chances are good you have that long, thick vertical scar from supersternal notch down to solar plexus that people get. (The only famous person I know of who has it is Skeet Ulrich, and I've never seen him shirt-free on film, so I can't give you a good visual to refer to.) They basically take a huge set of tongs and lever your ribcage apart to be able to see your heart and lungs, and then tape you back together with duct tape when they're done.
Maybe they've gone arthroscopic recently, although I suspect not, if it's 3 armor-piercing bullets they're fishing out.
I guess there'd also be the scars from the 3 bullet holes, or maybe the surgery scar overlaps one (or all) of them. Then funny (not) part would be what the bullets look like -- you know how normal bullets look like squashed grapes after they hit Kevlar? I imagine armor-piercing bullets do deform as they pass through the Kevlar, which deformation might cause more damage than an ordinary bullet would make if she hadn't been wearing the vest.
For some reason, though, I want to say that the bullets came down from above, right? (This is Howard we're talking about, right?) So they could have passed through her neck and shoulders to get into the chest cavity, without hitting the Kevlar. In which case, they'd still open up her chest to fix the cut-up parts, but they'd be fishing the bullets out of her ovaries. I don't remember exactly what the angles of the crime scene were, just that all 3 of them ended up in the hospital, and there was a stuffed giraffe involved.
Disclaimer: only watches surgery channel sometimes, not actually a heart surgeon.