Of course! It was a natural romance for Snape; they met on holiday in the tropics, her wit had a natural sting, he was interested in her initially as a potions ingredient but then they fell in love...
mind boggles so hard it starts leaking out of ears
Diana is a princess and she is going to Hogwarts, what wil happen when Voldemort starts to fancy her, what will HAPPEN!
This I find strangely plausible; why, only ten minutes ago I was proposing Draco/Prince Charles!
(no, really.)
Hr/R, H/G, Neville/New girl Full of cheese and corn!
But surely "cheese and corn" is Smallville?
I am taken away, leaving Harry, Lizzya, Ron and the others behind, I am left with Voldemort and I cannot contact anyone but any death eaters....Which suxs!
And they'll kill you for that sort of spelling.
Not Slash! The hatred of Sirius Black and Severus Snape is further explained when a new DADA Prof. is pulled out of the sorting hat.
The trio are in they're seventh year.But Hermione has a dark secret.If she dare tell anyone,they'll never talk to her again.Will she tell Harry and Ron that she-Hermione Granger-is the new dark lord?
Dark Lady, surely?
t /snark
Thanks, Katie. I needed the laugh.
Yuppers. And post random and anonymously snarky comments to random places, alluding to the "self-proclaimed arbiters of good fic"...
Hee. Yup.
I am aware of fandom politics and reccing. But it's not gonna make me change my stance, except insofar as I've stopping giving even limited qualifications of recs on my page.
Yeah. If active reccing was already a part of my life, I wouldn't be changing it for politics. It's not, and active reccing would mean way more reading than I do at the moment, so I'll continue to post the occasional "whoa!" in my LJ when something (Holli's ghost story, for example) catches my eye.
Anyone have any Giles/Faith recs?
Secret Slasha 2003 is up!
Because of drop outs, I wrote two, and SA wrote 3. See if you can guess which ones are ours.
Also, I got Gunn/Wes for Christmas again. I'm happy. Also possibly easy. I'm not sure.
As are the Yuletide Treasure stories.
I got Goon Show Fic! I am in heaven.
X-posted from my livejournal: After a brief and random sampling of stories at Yuletide Treasures, I give you the following recs:
it's about the change (misheard lyric edition)
Come on, the story has a monkey. Of course I'm gonna like it.
Not A Heart, Beating (slash)
Funny, moving, and hot -- the Nightwing POV feels urgent, real, worried. Definitely worth reading.
Boondock Saints
Confiteor (slash)
Incest isn't one of my kinks, but if you've seen this movie, you probably understand why I'm willing to make an exception. Wonderful Connor voice, and loaded with Catholic guilt.
due South
An Officer and a Gentleman
Whee! The Welsh voice is great, the Frannie voice is great, and their interaction is a pleasure just like it was on the show. I am so very sold on them as a couple.
This story is in second-person and it's Simon/Inara. But it's tremendously well-written, well-characterized, and utterly believable. Read it posthaste.
Elias Budd's Charming Widow (slash)
Yay, a story about Saffron! The voice of this is spot-on fantastic.
Good Omens
The Best Christmas Ever
This story feels very true to the tone and narrative style of the book. Funny, witty, and adorable.
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Funny as hell, deftly done.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Galactic Miscellany
Dear god, you need to read this story for the footnotes alone!
Justice League
The limits of care (slash)
Oh yeah, this story pushes a bunch of my kink buttons. Creepy stalker Batman, alley sex, the cowl...
Ocean's Eleven
Confidence Men (slash)
Well-written, believable backstory for Danny and Rusty. Funny, gritty, and hot.
Wow, do I have a lot of stories left to read.
Boondock Saints
Dude, I totally did a double-take, because I thought this was the comic strip Boondocks.
Brain fixed now.
I thought this was the comic strip Boondocks.
Har. No, I have no desire to read Boondocks incest. But there is a Yuletide story that's South Park, pairing Cartman with Dead!Kenny...
Har. No, I have no desire to read Boondocks incest.
(My brain does a similar unpleasant flip every time I see mention of the Boondock Saints movie, even though Wax Jism was obsessed with it for a while so I was getting it on my friendslist daily. You'd think the surprise'd go away....)