Har. No, I have no desire to read Boondocks incest.
(My brain does a similar unpleasant flip every time I see mention of the Boondock Saints movie, even though Wax Jism was obsessed with it for a while so I was getting it on my friendslist daily. You'd think the surprise'd go away....)
Yay! I finished with the second draft of the second quarter of the Body Swap story -- that's halfway done!
Of course, all the bits that really need rewriting are in the 3rd and 4th quarters, but I'm ignoring that for my short moment of celebration here....
My brain does a similar unpleasant flip every time I see mention of the Boondock Saints movie
Oh, I'm not saying that it's right, or even all that pleasant. It's just that it makes an ickily weird kind of sense to me. Like Simon/River.
Am, I e-mailed you some story notes. Quite the ambitious project, there. Go you.
Thanks, erika. Caught and replied; and anyone else who wants to give me comments on a strange pair of Harry Potter AUs, I'd welcome feedback. I'm still working on how to post them properly (there is a coloured text, and it's more complex to code than I'd like).
Am, if you sent it to me as a Word doc, I could turn it into a PDF for you, if you'd like.
GAH.. shrift... gah...
Ahem. Err. Shrift has made me broken.
Oh, blessed Mother. I'm gonna go cry in the corner with Plei.
Plei has been watching this story get better and better, until it hit "if it was any better, I'd curl up into a ball and die whimpering in my bunk."