MPreg = Male Pregnancy.
Oddly, I may ping a BNF in the BVerse relating to a potential project that could in theory fall under that heading. Maybe. If I remember.
RPF = Real Person Fic.
Which is generally actor fic or boyband fic, unless you are me, in which case, it's The Many Loves of Henry Kissinger. Don't ask. It's a thing.
Step away from the Kissenger, we're begging you.
Henry Kissinger I can deal. Just don't do Ari Onassis, I could never understand what Jackie saw in him.
Several hundred million dollars, I believe.
Connie! She of my shared brain.
The fact that he was exceedingly wealthy and provided her with luxury and safety well the hell out of the country where people kept killing her relatives by marriage isn't enough?
She of my shared brain.
Yeah, and about those cookie crumbs that are all over the medulla oblongata--they ain't mine.
They're Otis', and they aren't so much cookie crumbs as chaw.
Oh, god, no . . . Damn it, I've told him to clean out the spittoon. Martha is going to have his hide.