I know what you mean, Plei, kind of. My own version of fandom insanity involved giving a complete stranger a review about not protecting a character too much from the responsiblity for his actions...I'm usually on the other side of that discussion...it felt weird. But there are tons of reasons John Munch got divorced that don't involve the Job. He's a moody, cranky, negative PITA that thinks about sex all the time(and sadly, the one character best representing my state of mind on TV at the moment.)
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I want to rec, but am worried about people getting freaky if I *don't* rec them.
For those actually running an archive, I can see where this could be a problem. But, if they are someone who is in the archive, then a polite "I'm sorry I forgot you" and adding them to the recs should take care of it. If they aren't in the archive, just a gentle, "I'm sorry, your fic doesn't meet the criteria to be posted/recced, bye" seems to me to be the most polite response. I'm a great believer in Ann Landers' MYOB response when pressed for more detail.
For those actually running an archive, I can see where this could be a problem. But, if they are someone who is in the archive, then a polite "I'm sorry I forgot you" and adding them to the recs should take care of it. If they aren't in the archive, just a gentle, "I'm sorry, your fic doesn't meet the criteria to be posted/recced, bye" seems to me to be the most polite response. I'm a great believer in Ann Landers' MYOB response when pressed for more detail.
Oh, I'd be running a recs weekly report OUTSIDE of my regular archive duties. I don't rec things on my archives beyond mentioning that they're there, and occasionally changing the featured story on Big Sexy Man, when I remember to do that.
But, the issue at hand, for me, is that I'm (despite not doing much there) one of the mods on the Better Buffy Fics list, which is a fairly large list (1000+). Fandom being touchy, and Ms. Minim Calibre being a paranoid young lassie, Ms. Min would be quite worried that, if Ms. Min recommended someone off-hand in her LJ, and then spaced on sending an email to the list she's a mod on recommending that fic, then the person being rec'd might worry that something was wrong with the story, making it good enough for Ms. Min's LJ, but not good enough for BBF.
Ms. Min did mention the part where she's a paranoid young lassie, right?
Ms. Min apologizes for using 3rd person to describe her fandom self. She's a spaz.
Ahhh. Reverse of what I was thinking. But, again, if the author isn't totally passive-aggressive, an e-mail from them saying WTF only requires a response of "Oops, I'll add you to the archive ASAP." I'm guessing, though, there are more P-A people out there than not. It's too bad that your pseudonyms are so well known that this is a problem. Savest to not rec, as you don't.
Your BBF list, where can I find it? I don't think it's one I've got bookmarked.
It's one of the Yahoo groups. It's not mine: I'm just a listmod, I don't own, nor did I start the group. BBF
Ahhh. Reverse of what I was thinking. But, again, if the author isn't totally passive-aggressive, an e-mail from them saying WTF only requires a response of "Oops, I'll add you to the archive ASAP." I'm guessing, though, there are more P-A people out there than not. It's too bad that your pseudonyms are so well known that this is a problem. Savest to not rec, as you don't.
Well, they wouldn't email, or say WTF, I expect. They'd probably just sit and not say anything, potentially stewing. I just have this extreme fear of accidentally pissing someone off over something like that, as that's how kerfuffles get started. Online communication, lacking the hand motions or the facial expressions that make real life communication slightly simpler, can be a pain in the ass.
The bestest recs site in the world, of course, is Polyamourous Rec. I tend to only really read recs sites or blogs that are independent of an archive, because the focus is broader, and there's more of a chance that what I'll find will be excellent.
I keep thinking I need to put together a recs page on my website. I'm not too worried about anyone getting offended by my including them or not. I haven't read everything, and my critieria for recs would be so utterly subjective that anyone else's offense would be like they're being offended that I don't like mushrooms on my pizza or something.
Yes, I know, there are those sorts out there. I think they write the reviews on ff.net. No, that's just mean, I've gotten some very nice reviews over there, all the more precious because they stand out more.
Heh, you would hate me as a reader, I almost never review, even if I like something.
Plei, thanks for the links. I had BBFA bookmarked, but hadn't joined the list. I have now. Also, Polyamourous has some of my fave authors, so I'm sure I will find more I like.
Just counted my bookmarks and I have over 70 sites linked. Maybe I should start my own rec site.
I could probably start a website, had I webspace, coding skills and inclination. But everything I read I find at other rec sites, so it would be sort of redundant.
You're right in a way, Holli. But most of my sites I've gleaned from recs on multiple sites, not just one site. I like to think I've got the creme-de-la-creme of Spike/Spuffy fic listed. I wouldn't set myself up as comprehensive, just very special interest.
Mine would hardly be creme de la creme, more "This one made me laugh/cry/feel all warm and tingly". More a fic-Rorschach of me, rather than any attempt to say "These are the best things out there." YEs, half the reason I don't do it is because I'm afraid people will say, "That piece of drivel/schmoop/unrepentent mush?"
As for coding skills, my website is built off of Front Page, no mad coding skills involved--and it probably shows. But it's out there, and that was more important than having it look really, really good.