Yeap, you're in the right place.
Hossgal, that fic you're talking about sounds like it may be Rowan's The Twelfth Sister. Its sequel linked at the bottom of the page (The Twelfth Sister Revisted) is narrated by an OC, although in first person and not third person.
Even if these are not the stories you're looking for, I'd recommend them to anyone--they pack hell of a wallop, even after three years.
Yes, Twelfth Sister Revisted is *exactly* the one I was thinking of. Thank you ever so.
(And I thought it was first person, and then couldn't poor brain.)
Thanks again
So yesterday I went to go see that new ensemble movie "Love Actually." Very interesting plot for a movie, a bit Brit-centric but entertaining. Lots of bigger actors were in the movie. As an aside, which of these actors that appeared in this movie would be good to model a Watcher after in a fanfic?
Colin Firth,
Liam Neeson,
Billy Bob Thornton,
Alan Rickman,
Bill Nighy, and
Rowan Atkinson (:
Yeah. But I could see Firth as one as well...kind of impatient or tempermental but with lots of ability.
Rickman makes the most sense IMHO.
Clearly Watchers wouldn't be all British. I thought Chow Yun Fat would be a good one. Vincent D'Onofrio of Law & Order: CI would be fitting as well. And borrowing from a post I put on the Angel thread, Christopher Lee would make a lethal "Dark Side of the Force" Watcher.
Do you see the ears of the plot bunny? I do, I do!
I'd actually love to see Billy Bob as a watcher, meeting up with Quentin Travers.
Sen. Fred Thompson! Cynical Southern Republican Watcher!
Billy Bob Thornton would be very interesting, though.
"Let's kill some demons, y'all."(Which he would say partly cause he felt like it and partly to irritate Travers.)
I would *love* to read the silly!fic in which Rowan Atkinson plays a Watcher. You could take it two ways-- bumbling, saved by his Slayer; or Blackadder, with a Slayer who was more than a match for him and a Baldrick-style fellow Watcher... there are possiblities.