Hmm. I think I've caught plot-bunny cooties from ita. Not that this is a bad think or anything. I'll check back later if anything happens.
'War Stories'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Dana, I'm suddenly having traumatic flashbacks to the "Life From The Ashes" series. It's sparking painful giggling and a lot of derisive snorts.
Thanks a lot.
Back when I first started reading fanfic, I read an epic in which Mulder and Scully got sucked into a fantasy world where Mulder became a powerful wizard and Scully became a legendary warrior. It wasn't exactly good, but I read the whole damn thing. I wish I could remember the name of that story. I bet it's still at Gossamer.
You know you want to, Anne.
(What else have you written, and where can I find it, by the way? Do you use the same name?)
Willliam Gibson-y X-Files
Yeah, but Gibsony's, y'know... canon.
Well, okay, Gibsony Maddoxy.
(Maddox taught at my school, and the AI GM episode was essentially beta'd for techincal detail by one of my profs. This caused us no end of amusement, as the thing ended up resembling some of his more disjointed rambles.)
Back when I first started reading fanfic, I read an epic in which Mulder and Scully got sucked into a fantasy world where Mulder became a powerful wizard and Scully became a legendary warrior. It wasn't exactly good, but I read the whole damn thing. I wish I could remember the name of that story. I bet it's still at Gossamer.
Yes! That's the one. Now we have to find it.
Amber, the X-files wizard story is Sue Bickerstaff and Jennifer Lyon's Magician. (scroll down on the alphabetical list). I read the first book because it was being recc'd all over the place at the time. I remember scratching my head at all the acclaim, because I didn't see anything really special about it other than the wild AU-ness and the interminable length.
Back when I first started reading fanfic, I read an epic in which Mulder and Scully got sucked into a fantasy world where Mulder became a powerful wizard and Scully became a legendary warrior.
Ripoff of Hambly's Darwath Trilogy much? (Although one could argue that Hambly rips herself off with the Antryg Windrose books, but I forgive her for it.)
The more common perspective, I think, is to treat that scene as background for a Love Forgives All epic
I was rewatching this X files ep again, and I just DON'T GET the people who want to write the fluffywuffy romance out of the angsty violent enemy slashy vibes. I don't get it. (Well, I don't get the wizard!Mulder/ unicorn!Krycek fic impulse either, admittedly, but it's more of a rarity. I assume. Whereas fluffywuffy romance out of angsty violent slashy vibes crops up in lots of fandoms, I think?) But it's okay that I don't get it - I'm not saying it shouldn't happen, whatever floats their boat & so forth. It's just not a boat I can get aboard myself.
...But the BDSM nearly-killing Krycek shaggage I could definitely read. Um. [/sheepish]
Yes! Thanks Vonnie. You're right, there's nothing special about it, but it was among the first things I read and I found it weirdly fascinating.
It almost certainly must have been rec'd on ChronicleX, because that's how I found all my XF reading, in those days.
Nope. Not gonna go back and reread.