Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Well, if you like, I'll wave at her for you, then - and I'll give her that message about her LJ, with or without attrbiution.
Bless you for reminding me. I feel like a total fool, for letting this much time elapse. She's a sweetie, and her academic Jossiverse stuff is brilliant; I got to read a bit of it in progress.
And Dana and Nutty nail it, yes. Camille Bacon-Smith wrote Enterprising Women, which is one of the two best-known texts on fan creativity. The other being, of course, Henry Jenkin's Textual Poachers.
It was also lovely lovely feedback. I squeeed mightily and bounced around all evening. And then in my response I forgot to indicate I own a copy of Enterprising Women, and also forgot to ask when someone is going to write the definitive book about fan creativity on the Internet. Dumb Suela.
Well, if you like, I'll wave at her for you, then - and I'll give her that message about her LJ, with or without attrbiution.
Please do! Between reading the book and reading the LJ I wanted to buy her flowers and then whisk her off to the
Cork and Bottle
in Leicester Square for cheese and wine and pretentious girly fannish chatter. She seems smashing.
And Dana and Nutty nail it, yes. Camille Bacon-Smith wrote Enterprising Women, which is one of the two best-known texts on fan creativity. The other being, of course, Henry Jenkin's Textual Poachers.
sound of penny dropping.
A-ha! Damn, I knew I knew the name from somewhere. That is
cool. And thoroughly deserved. You're a class act.
Nobody else is wowed by my news.
Hey, I'm impressed, but I'm playing the "I was in transit for 20 hours yesterday and it's 70 degrees colder than where I just was must play catch-up on fandom" game today.
I didn't realize she was reading in Farscape, but considering her other work, it makes sense.
Also, my brain is very explode-y from all the fantastically erudite meta conversation on fandom at Escapade.
Mwah, Fay. You're so kind.
She did say she wouldn't have read the story if she hadn't known my name from the SaveFarscape campaign, which I find kind of ironic. Since any credibility I have in the campaign is because I'm a known quantity in the fandom through my fic, and it's odd to have the mojo going the other way. Heh.
Also, my brain is very explode-y from all the fantastically erudite meta conversation on fandom at Escapade.
Yes? And? Are we going to get any reports on this?
Please please please?
I want a multi-fandom con that encompasses all forms of fan creativity, not just slash or het or gen, but everything. With panels on vidding and fic and reccing and the beta process and OTP and the influence of blogging on fandom and all sorts of other stuff. Want.
I opened Blogger and tried to start a con report, but my brain's still whirling.
I think vidding might eat my brain now, though.
I think vidding might eat my brain now, though
You too? I'm thinking and thinking.
Oh, many thanks to whomever posted the link to DebChan and Laura Shapiro's Jayne vid recently. "Money for Nothing" was perfect. So. Very. Funny.
Are we going to get any reports on this?
Not today. Heh.
I'll definitely be writing up an interpretive dance this week that touches on Guinness, cabals, fannish entitlement, happy punch, race/class/gender politics, The Unbearable Importance of Starbucks, OTPs, BNFs, vids, et cetera ad nauseum.