Tripped over a recced CSI/Angel crossover, for those of you into that thing. Haven't read it myself, can't vouch for it.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Nobody else is wowed by my news. C'mon! It's like getting feedback from Henry Jenkins, fer pete's sake! Sheesh.
Okay, not quite. But still.
... y'all do know who Bacon-Smith is, right?
Or is everyone thinking I should just shut up already? OK.
I just started reading the crossover, and I let out a hearty snerk at this line:
She took [the business card] out and looked. 'Angel Investigations' and an LA phone number and address, with a logo that looked like the outline of a half-dissected rat.
... y'all do know who Bacon-Smith is, right?
hangs head
Nope. That's why I wasn't bouncing - I rejoice in your joy, but I'm embarassed by my own ignorance, which is why I was being all quiet. Go Team You, though.
Um. I know I know the name, but not whence. Is it like getting feedback from Roz Kaveny? (whose name I'm likely misspelling)? Is it that she's a BNF, or an academic, or what?
t light turns on
Enterprising Women, right?
Very cool.
Roz Kaveny! Dayum!
Fay, please send her my regards and wave at her for me? She was ill last time we spoke, but I need to get hold of her, and se how she's doing. I've just realised, we haven't spoken in nearly a year.
Well, I'm impressed, Suela. The only reason I know she ever heard of me was that she complained when my site crashed. Not directly to me or anything, but, you know, it proved we both pertained to the same plane of reality.
You get points for actually being the addressee!
... y'all do know who Bacon-Smith is, right?
shaking head and trying to look cute and innocent.
But I don't know who Henry Jenkins is, either.
I got feedback from RivkaT, once.
Fay, please send her my regards and wave at her for me?
Oh, I would, and gladly - but I think she'd be all "who are you?" She did write nice feedback about a couple of stories I sent to Silverlake, and I did the silent dance of "Damn, I'm reading your book RIGHT NOW!" - but I very much doubt she'd know me from Adam. Girl should spend more time in LJ - she did have a journal, but it's been languishing for a year or more. Which is a pity, 'cause it made good reading.
Victoria P is playing with a Pippin-centric story in her diary, incidentally (apropos of nothing) which has totally opened my eyes to the fact that Pippin must have been feeling absolutely dreadful after Moria. Personally responsible for Gandalf's death. Huge old oceans of guilt for the Fool of a Took. Bless him. None of which was explored on screen, but damn, that's some rich fic-writing soil...
Well, if you like, I'll wave at her for you, then - and I'll give her that message about her LJ, with or without attrbiution.
Bless you for reminding me. I feel like a total fool, for letting this much time elapse. She's a sweetie, and her academic Jossiverse stuff is brilliant; I got to read a bit of it in progress.