I just watched the Bird Of Prey finale. Harlequin and Huntress give anyone a run for their almost consummated same sex pleasure.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Oh Suela, my Suela, I stayed up too late last night re-reading WOAT. I read it as soon as you released it, but I didn't have any S1 or S2 under my belt (not to mention very little S4).
Now that we're deeper into S4 and I've seen most of S1 and part of S2, I have a whole new level of appreciation for it.
I'm in a mood for some CSI fic. I don't watch the show regularly, but I caught last week's episode ("Lady Heather's Box") and was completely blown away. I'm very taken with Grissom and the little cracks we were allowed to see in his armour. I'd love to read Grissom-centric character studies. Not that interested in seeing him in any kind of romantic relationship with other members of the CSI though.
There's a good Grissom-centric fic on fanfiction.net entitled "Ghost." It's both an interesting case and a good character study. I'll see if I can find a link for you. (I'm having trouble getting onto ff.net at the moment).
I'm also working on a couple of CSI fics, one of which I hope to have posted in a couple of weeks.
Presumably one of these, Vonnie.
Neato. Interesting casefile/good character studies are my fave kinds of fic. Thanks!
Ooh. Fic bunny.
Go Holli Go Holli Go.
stayed up too late last night re-reading WOAT
Aw, you're so nice. Thanks loads, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I read Golden Apples by BetanSurvey last night. It's an AU adventure which spins off from Fractures. Very science-fictiony, and with some truly original settings and creative characters. But the characterizations felt a little... easy? maybe? Given the situation at that point in the show, everyone's just a little too cheerful. And John's voice was off, for me. OTOH maybe I've just read too much Maayan. *g*
Still, I recommend it -- it's a big complicated romp with lots of Chiana and Jool and John and Aeryn.
Thanks, Am-Chau. The story is the first one on the list, Vonnie. It's just called "Ghost."
I haven't sought out any Sam/Frodo
Yeah - but I didn't really think I wanted to read Sam/Frodo. But damn, I just loved that story, so....
Bugger. Another fandom.
At least until the sequel to LoP comes out.