I'm surprised no one's mentioned that A.J. Hall posted the prequel to Lust over Pendle.
I don't think it works as well as LoP; I drew a lot of the Neville and Draco characterization from my memories of the other story. But there are some delicious bits.
Oh, I liked that. I thought the Draco POV was fantastic, and I enjoy who she's made Neville into.
This one is pretty neat. Although I'll admit to being thrown by the "twins" line and so thinking for half of the story,
This person can't be so unknowledgeable about HP canon that she thinks Fred and George have
I love A.J. Hall's work, I hate the website! I can never get whatever that is trying to load, to load.
1) try [link] directly
2) Can you get it with Schnoogle? That's how I read LOP.
Thank you, Lizard! That works!
Oh, what a deliciously sad and beautiful story, Lizard. Thank you for the link.
I have gotten about halfway through LoP -- fine story, but I can't shake the feeling that I don't recognize her characters from the boys in the books.
Wesfic -- looking for Wes smut, or just Wes-centric stories?
Wesfic -- looking for Wes smut, or just Wes-centric stories?
Either, really. I'd really love to find some stuff that really
the character, you know?
Any of the Wes stuff here is going to be really, really good.