Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Wrod, Dana.
OTOH, I've rarely had that response to anything I say, because I've gotten pretty good at spotting the "written in chem lab" stories from the first three lines.
Generally anything with "please SEND FEdBack!" in the subject line is a dead giveaway.
I don't get it this non spell check "it's too hard some of the words are the same" or if it looks like the person wrote the story, ran it through spell and grammar check once and then posted it.
I was always of hte opinion that you write because you love words. If you just want to have a record of a really cool daydream, fair enough, but the level of chutzpah in assuming others are eager to read a transcript of your daydreams is mindboggling.
Ah, the homonym/other-nym giveaway of foolish trust in the spellchecker. I love pointing out to people who have had something professionally produced that there's a glaring error that a human being would have caught as opposed to the computer.
Spell-check is wonderful for catching typos, such as "adn" for "and" or "teh" for "the," which are all too common for me. It's things such as "and" when I meant to type "an" that a beta-reader comes in handy.
In one of my anime fandoms, there's a writer who is notorious for flipping out whenever she gets anything resembling negative criticism. Even worse, she farms out her stories to a variety of editors, then posts them with none of the corrections made. She now only posts her stories to her private mailing list, and has furthermore taken all of her stories off of She's been trying to get them taken out of another archive, but she'd made the mistake of flaming the archivist who is leaving the stories up out of spite. Good times, good times...
(BTW, this is the writer whose "challenge" message prompted the creation of the unhappyendings list.)
Ah! That writer. Snerk.
OTOH, I've rarely had that response to anything I say, because I've gotten pretty good at spotting the "written in chem lab" stories from the first three lines.
FWIW, my series that popped up at Te's recs blog was written in the WC in a notepad.
I wrote the first part of "Career Change" plus a lot of smut in my D&D game. Yes, I eventually dropped that game, since it wasn't much of a diversion.
my series that popped up at Te's recs blog was written in the WC in a notepad.
Ah, but I expect you also edited it and revised it and treated it as something worthy of your time.
And yes, I'm snarking a bit. For every sixteen crappy "written in chem lab" stories, there's one tossed-off piece of fluff that's lovely. However those lovely ones tend to come from the hand of writers who take writing seriously, and their skill and talent show through even on sudden!fic.
Maayan's newest story would be a case in point. No one questions her commitment to her writing, and that skill, developed over years of practice, is apparent in 16K of something that she wrote very very quickly and revised only a little.
Ah, but I expect you also edited it and revised it and treated it as something worthy of your time.
I typed and spell-checked?
When I sent them out for real, I did a read-through first. Found a couple typos I missed when they were up for Slash Advent.
Pieces for me are either sudden can't-type-fast-enough bits or long, painful, horrible labours of love. (Triptych was the former, Absolution the latter.)
Hmm. I guess the difference is that when I'm writing quickly, it's not to distract myself from something like chem class, it's because there are words attacking me from all sides.
I think I like the "wake up in the middle of the night, where's the pen?" stories better than the ones I have to wander around the house muttering about. I can remember the zing of inspiration and how easy the story flowed as opposed to the hours of plot manipulation. Then again, writing an AU that's not too over-the-top is surprisingly tricky. I know what I WANT Xander and Spike to be doing, but laying the groundwork so it doesn't look stupid when/if it finally happens (uncooperative twits) is tricky--but fun.
Ooooooh! Hey, I've just had a thought!
I've been in the barren wilderness of mostly-ficless-busy-reality this past month, but unless matters have changed drastically, AJ Hall should be bringing out a new Draco/Neville piece on Valentine's Day! I
it's supposed to be the how-they-got-together story!
Please, deities, let nothing interfere with this?