Really, I mean, it's circular. Is Octavia Bulter a literary-fiction writer? Is Alex Shakar?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Really, I mean, it's circular. Is Octavia Bulter a literary-fiction writer? Is Alex Shakar?
No, you are a sneak who has a verrrrrry interesting interest on LJ...
And here I thought there was only one LJer who listed "teppy" as an interest...
ita, you're not illiterate.
The definition of "literary fiction" is a complete construct, made up by the publishing industry. I can take any novel you point at as "literary fiction" and make an argument that it belongs in another genre, and vice versa. Just like the hard lines around the ghettoes of "romance", "mystery", and "science fiction/fantasy", the line around "literary fiction" is very very hazy.
Dunnett's stuff was once filed exclusively under Romance. Then Historical Fiction. Now it's Literature. WTF? Same books, different shelf.
How come Auel gets to be in literature but Neal Stephenson is science fiction? I'd say "Cryptonomicon" is closer to scientific plausibility than "The Clan of the Cave Bear". ::shrugs and wanders off to find a beer::
Personally, I define "literary fiction" as books that come out in trade paperback with the very matter covers.
I think literary fiction is just what would be called a novel or general fiction..
Most store which divde between literature and fiction use age as a divide-- new stuff is fiction, old stuff is literature.
No, you are a sneak who has a verrrrrry interesting interest on LJ...
t looks innocent
And here I thought there was only one LJer who listed "teppy" as an interest...
Well, I mean, I couldn't let it be a unique interest.
But? Btw? If anyone else hits "marrying fayjay" as an interest I WILL kill you. ('Cause that's... trying something.) Mine mine mine.
Well, no, because then you'd be able to see what's so terribly obvious.
WOOD has better brains than I do.
See? See? This is why you should never get into arguments with me! It ends in tears! For me!
I think my OTP is now Flame-Thrower/My Hand.
Someone remind me to breathe? And to remember it's just a list, it's just a list, and that idiots are everywhere, and they are loud, and they all want things done the way they were done in their previous fandoms, and they'll never shut up about it, and I should just fucking go no mail until I've time to read?
It's just a list, you've read all this before, and you have a delete key which is calling your name very sweetly.
It's just a list, you've read all this before, and you have a delete key which is calling your name very sweetly.
Good point.
Mmm. Delete key.
It'll feel good... really, really good... all the annoying discussion will just go away, poof...!
It just irks, because it's the same person's "You're all mean to my ship. Why don't you do this like my other fandom? The way you do things in the Buffy fandom is DUMB", and when she got twisty knickers over something I said about that matter, I emailed her offlist. No response, and then, despite my off list clarification, she had to go be snarky at me some more. So, fuck that shit.
Now I'm Miss Knotty Panties. HAHAHAHA.
edited because I think I used to speak AND write English, evidence against me notwithstanding.