I quite liked Pierce's newest Tortall series-- I bought the first book with the intention of forcing my sister to read some damn genre for a change, but when that didn't work I ended up reading it myself. She's cured herself of the more egregious Mary Sue stuff-- the main character is magic-power-free, and better-written. Much more realistic than some of the stuff she's done.
on edit: You know, i
just now
realized this wasn't the Literary thread. Oh, well.
We're still ontopic, though at the outer fringes of it.
On the role of sex in YA novels--sometimes, with the novels I'm reading, it really suprises me how much innuendo and often blatant sexual references are in them. I think it's cool, personally, but it still suprises me. They're getting a lot looser with what they'll let in than they ever were before.
Oh, that's fucking hilarious.
I'm hoping someone can help me find a Firefly fic that I skimmed and want to finish but didn't save the link to. I couldn't find it in Firefly's Glow Archive and thought it might ring a bell with someone here.
I remember that it's a Jayne/Simon story, set at Christmas, and there was something about Kaylee blaming Jayne for Simon turning her down.
I didn't read enough of it to get a feel for its quality though, so if you know which one I'm talking about about and it's bad, let me know that too and I'll stop looking for it.
Could it have been this?
t ed.
I thought it was on the better side of middling-good.
Yes- that was it RL. Thanks!
The weird part is, books written and marketed as "YA" or older children's fiction may be virginal, but what great numbers of 12-15 year old readers find is not.
Heh. Heh heh. I found a copy of Dhalgren mixed in with tattered copies of A.E. Van Vogt in the pulpy sf and fantasy corner at the public library.
Definitely not a virginal book. Of course, that wasn't so much why it made my brain go explode-y.