Fay, darling, please send me the new stories, any more manips you have (bbow! please!), and any recs or links you have saved and want to put up.
Mal ,'Out Of Gas'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Any betas out there? Quick ones?
Hit me, Plei. I am so frelling BORED at work.
I'm probably the last person in the world not to have discovered this one already, but day-um, Season Noir is brilliant. (I'm three chapters in.)
Anna actually has a new Xander/Spike up.
Throwing Shapes. Please don't beat her up for its not being a new Noir story; she's doing that to herself.
If she were writing Harry Potter actorfic boyband crossover. I would still read it. And cry at the end.
Right From the Start is an interesting Wesley story, set around the end of season 3.
Right From the Start
Oh, I liked that.
It hit my "good, but not *quite* good enough to be rec'd" bracket, but that still puts it above 90% of what's out there.
I think her Wesley voice was nice -- perhaps not as dark as I normally expect of post-S3 Wes, but the bit about Angel was deadon.