Oh! Deena, some of my stuff is almost mushy.
Like, umm. There's some mush in Absolution I and II, and in Triptych, and in Imposters in this Country. Honest!
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Oh! Deena, some of my stuff is almost mushy.
Like, umm. There's some mush in Absolution I and II, and in Triptych, and in Imposters in this Country. Honest!
Okay Plei, then (apologies to SA for the poor attribution) and I will read the other, glitter sprinkled stuff.
I think part of my problem with it also was that I don't know who Billy is. I'm not a very good fan.
I'm thinking my Wes/Gunn will be unreconstructed mush, with Baby!Connor--cause I love Angel with the baby, and I don't care who objects, nyah!--but we'll need a wee bit of Bitter!Wes for spice.
Oh, gods, the outline is emerging from the primal soup. Well, if V!Giles is going to play coy, he can't get too mad if I let the muse play with other people.
I think part of my problem with it also was that I don't know who Billy is. I'm not a very good fan.
Hard Core Logo character.
We got the crossover itch, you see.
[link] contains most of the stuff. t /pimp
Don't you have some more Buffy baby stuff to write, hmm?
No I absolutely do NOT.
Oz/Angel, yes, but it's hard.
Am-Chau, don't hand me straight lines like that.
Would you prefer bent ones?
Bent is good.
Plei, I have it in favorites!
mmm, reading...
I must confess, my favorite stories are hurt/comfort stories. I'm such a sap.
my favorite stories are hurt/comfort stories
For me this varies according to fandom. In Buffy and Angel I can enjoy H/C with Angel/Gunn and Wesley/Gunn because the plots just seem to encourage that sort of thing. One or another of them's always taking damage. With Spike/Xander I prefer snarking and snogging.
In X-Files I really liked H/C for Mulder/Krycek because I thought both were hot and I wanted to bitch slap both of them, regularly.
In Highlander (I'm discovering renewed interest in reading Highlander slash today) I burned out on H/C and looked more for Duncan/Methos snark and snog.