I think part of my problem with it also was that I don't know who Billy is. I'm not a very good fan.
Hard Core Logo character.
We got the crossover itch, you see.
[link] contains most of the stuff. t /pimp
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I think part of my problem with it also was that I don't know who Billy is. I'm not a very good fan.
Hard Core Logo character.
We got the crossover itch, you see.
[link] contains most of the stuff. t /pimp
Don't you have some more Buffy baby stuff to write, hmm?
No I absolutely do NOT.
Oz/Angel, yes, but it's hard.
Am-Chau, don't hand me straight lines like that.
Would you prefer bent ones?
Bent is good.
Plei, I have it in favorites!
mmm, reading...
I must confess, my favorite stories are hurt/comfort stories. I'm such a sap.
my favorite stories are hurt/comfort stories
For me this varies according to fandom. In Buffy and Angel I can enjoy H/C with Angel/Gunn and Wesley/Gunn because the plots just seem to encourage that sort of thing. One or another of them's always taking damage. With Spike/Xander I prefer snarking and snogging.
In X-Files I really liked H/C for Mulder/Krycek because I thought both were hot and I wanted to bitch slap both of them, regularly.
In Highlander (I'm discovering renewed interest in reading Highlander slash today) I burned out on H/C and looked more for Duncan/Methos snark and snog.
With Spike/Xander I prefer snarking and snogging.
Oh, sure, that has to be in there. Equal-opportunity snarkage, but the h/c is generally a good ice breaker, as it were.
Hmm. Duncan/Methos. Just yell if you need recs.
H/C is very pairing dependant. Spike/Xander- never happen. Not unless you can convinced me this in human William. Spike/Angel- I could see that. (I want to see that....). Wesley/Angel definately has h/c potential.
Spike/Buffy h/c just makes me giggle.