I've tried it. Doesn't work for me.
There aren't many pairings that I utterly cannot buy, but that one comes pretty close. Not much on Angel/Spike either.
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I've tried it. Doesn't work for me.
There aren't many pairings that I utterly cannot buy, but that one comes pretty close. Not much on Angel/Spike either.
The only one I can really think of was AuKestrel's "RayK goes to Sunnydale."
That was a pretty decent story, but it had long stretches of tagless dialogue that were a bit confusing for me. The only other way I could see a crossover happening would be to have a character from one show be the cousin, uncle, etc. of a character from another show.
Ah, well. All I know is I squeal like a little girl when a new chapter comes out and I've got most of it downloaded. "Domestic Piranhas" is probably right out, as well. Though Wes comes off a little wussy in that one. They need to integrate more of the potential for Bitter!Wes.
Not much on Angel/Spike either.
Really? I can buy any permuation of the Fanged Four. Spike/Darla is a little harder, but if you look at it as the training of a fledgling Vamp, it's easie
I don't know. I could see, in some roundabout way, Fraser knowing Giles.
Not much on Angel/Spike either.
What is there in Spike/Angel not to like? A touch implausible in the present, I can understand that argument, but: Spike! Angel! Angelus! The kiss "Will, my boy," season 2! The torture! The, the, the, sex!
Of course, this may be an extension of the fact that I would be firmly in the Spike/Block of Concrete 'shipper camp.
Am-Chau, my sistah!
I liked the Angel/Spike in Rivka and Sally's Changes.
All I know is I squeal like a little girl when a new chapter comes out and I've got most of it downloaded. "Domestic Piranhas" is probably right out, as well.
I love that. I don't know why. It's crazy, mostly way out of characterization, etc., etc. But I can never get enough. And some days, I just have to go back and read that Angel/Gunn/Wes threesome in the back of the sex shop. Glurble.
I buy Spike/Angelus. Less Spike/Angel.