The only one I can really think of was AuKestrel's "RayK goes to Sunnydale."
That was a pretty decent story, but it had long stretches of tagless dialogue that were a bit confusing for me. The only other way I could see a crossover happening would be to have a character from one show be the cousin, uncle, etc. of a character from another show.
Ah, well. All I know is I squeal like a little girl when a new chapter comes out and I've got most of it downloaded. "Domestic Piranhas" is probably right out, as well. Though Wes comes off a little wussy in that one. They need to integrate more of the potential for Bitter!Wes.
Not much on Angel/Spike either.
Really? I can buy any permuation of the Fanged Four. Spike/Darla is a little harder, but if you look at it as the training of a fledgling Vamp, it's easie
I don't know. I could see, in some roundabout way, Fraser knowing Giles.
Not much on Angel/Spike either.
What is there in Spike/Angel not to like? A touch implausible in the present, I can understand that argument, but: Spike! Angel! Angelus! The kiss "Will, my boy," season 2! The torture! The, the, the, sex!
Of course, this may be an extension of the fact that I would be firmly in the Spike/Block of Concrete 'shipper camp.
I liked the Angel/Spike in Rivka and Sally's Changes.
All I know is I squeal like a little girl when a new chapter comes out and I've got most of it downloaded. "Domestic Piranhas" is probably right out, as well.
I love that. I don't know why. It's crazy, mostly way out of characterization, etc., etc. But I can never get enough. And some days, I just have to go back and read that Angel/Gunn/Wes threesome in the back of the sex shop. Glurble.
I buy Spike/Angelus. Less Spike/Angel.
I'm pro slash, but I just don't see those two.
This really brings out the whole YMMV thing where pairing and chemistry is concerned. I'm not that into slash, but for me, Angel and Linsey were the slashiest couple that ever got slashed in all of the fandom. (Well, what I know of a few fandoms, anyway.) Moreover, Angel/Linsey for me was *the* defining relationship on AtS.
For those of you who haven't seen it already, may I take this moment to pimp yet again Sisabet's utterly fab A/L vid Last Stand in Open Country? (You have to look under Slash.) The vid pretty much capsulates the relationship for me.
By the way, I'm not trying to sway your opinion or anything like that, Am-Chau. I just find the whole subject of why different pairings/shows sparks passions in individual viewers incredibly interesting. I'm speaking as a philistine that doesn't see much to write home about in Wes/Gunn.
Edited to fix tags.