Kind of like being afraid your friends won't like you if they knew you preferred a riding crop to a cat o' nine tails.
Now that's just messed-up...
I love that this is a community where people worry about NOT liking slash, as opposed to "I really like slash -- is everyone going to think I'm a freak?"
Also, may I just say that I find the "what if they knew I didn't enjoy slash?" fear absolutely hysterical, since I've been called all sorts of interesting names simply for writing it?
Yeah, it's all context.
I've gotten pretty good at predicting what will be slashed, however. The only time I've been wrong recently was after watching a particularly snarky Handy Andy-Lawrence moment on Changing Rooms, when I said, "Somewhere out there, someone is writing slash about those two." DH did a search and couldn't find anything, and was all huffy that there's more Trading Spaces than Changing Rooms fic, since we're anglophiliac in our home decor show preference.
Susan, do you object if pepole refer you to stories they think might change your mind? With no strings attached of having to say you liked it? Or even a requirement that you read it at all?
No, as long as they're not too pushy about it, and are willing to believe me when I say it's on my Beer, Asparagus, and Coffee list of things that must be wonderful because so many people love them so devotedly, but just do nothing for me.
It's a tad absolute to say that every non-homophobic person presented with the finest the slash world has to offer will become a convert and immediately not uncomfortable.
even like I need to preemptively defend myself against charges of homophobia
I don't think that not liking slash is a terrible thing or means that you're homophobic. I'm a slashoholic so I can't really relate but I get that, for some people, it doesn't do it for them. It's just a different preference.
Very few slash pairings give me much of a zetz, though I can certainly enjoy them on a "oh my that's nice writing" basis... except for
Due South
fiction. I have no truly self-satisfying explanation for this, so wouldn't presume to dictate what other people are supposed to like or not like. Though I will happily discuss DS with you until your eyes glaze over, or after that point because it's possible that I will not notice your expression.
give me much of a zetz
I don't know what this is, but I LIKE it.
Aren't you supposed to be on the treadmill?
It's like the exact opposite of a squick, Steph.
Aren't you supposed to be on the treadmill?
Quiet, you! Or I'll organize a group hug!
t looking off innocently, having said nothing actionable, no, really