Susan, do you object if pepole refer you to stories they think might change your mind? With no strings attached of having to say you liked it? Or even a requirement that you read it at all?
No, as long as they're not too pushy about it, and are willing to believe me when I say it's on my Beer, Asparagus, and Coffee list of things that must be wonderful because so many people love them so devotedly, but just do nothing for me.
It's a tad absolute to say that every non-homophobic person presented with the finest the slash world has to offer will become a convert and immediately not uncomfortable.
even like I need to preemptively defend myself against charges of homophobia
I don't think that not liking slash is a terrible thing or means that you're homophobic. I'm a slashoholic so I can't really relate but I get that, for some people, it doesn't do it for them. It's just a different preference.
Very few slash pairings give me much of a zetz, though I can certainly enjoy them on a "oh my that's nice writing" basis... except for
Due South
fiction. I have no truly self-satisfying explanation for this, so wouldn't presume to dictate what other people are supposed to like or not like. Though I will happily discuss DS with you until your eyes glaze over, or after that point because it's possible that I will not notice your expression.
give me much of a zetz
I don't know what this is, but I LIKE it.
Aren't you supposed to be on the treadmill?
It's like the exact opposite of a squick, Steph.
Aren't you supposed to be on the treadmill?
Quiet, you! Or I'll organize a group hug!
t looking off innocently, having said nothing actionable, no, really
categories, lightning round: Most Disturbing Slash Pairing, any fandom?
For me, it's a tie between Transformers slash fic and KnightRider slash fic.