I'd have fact-checked that article a little more closely. Writers' U is run by Laura Hale, not Louise, IIRC. And there's a helluva lot of gen fic on the web; this guy makes it sound like every piece of fic out there is going to tarnish young minds.
I thought the Scotsman was a reputable paper; this reads like sensationalism.
It'll be interesting to hear if they actually shut any sites down.
Yeah, the whole thing was crap.
The Scotsman wasn't taken all that seriously by the people I knew in Glasgow, but that was a long time ago -- anyone?
Others are more explicit and much too bawdy to be printed here.
But you enjoyed looking at them, didn't you? And that's the kind of thing that will make people go looking for them...
And seriously: most kids will either not look, or when they don't understand it, they'll go somewhere else. And the writer clearly simply ignored ff.n.
CHARACTER: This is so wrong.
OTHER CHARACTER: Yet this is so right.
CHARACTER: I love you yet I hate you.
OTHER CHARACTER: Shut up, bitch, and kiss me.
CHARACTER: Fuck you!
OTHER CHARACTER: Hey, don't mind if I do.
(Someone dies or kills self.)
I guess my impression of the Scotsman is warped because I know Alastair Dunnett was its editor for many years and I can't conceive of Lady D's husband running a yellow newspaper.
Not a scandal rag, but very conservative and full of the sort of Scottish kitsch that Tom Leonard once summed up as "the Snottery Weans Competition." I could be misremembering which paper this was, but that's what I think of.
I feel silly making this request, but does anyone know of any good Buffy/C.S.I. crossovers?
I haven't seen any, Anne. Let me do a sweep.
Found Soft Science. No idea how good it is.