Oooh, men in uniform.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
With really big tongues, apparently.
An image I so did not need.
t dies laughing
So, um, has anyone read any of those? Do we dare?
Well, there's something for every taste out there. At least the website looks nice.
Been re-reading LoP, just got to the section where Narcissa's talking about having only slept with one man she trusted, who married her best friend. Said man was cheating on said best friend, in order to win a bet. "Queer as Scent" shows that Narcissa's best friend is Harry Potter's mother. Which insinuates that James Potter is not the nice guy one assumes. hmmm....
edit: white fonted for the sad souls who've not read Hall's lovely stuff but might want to
Yes! Hall posted a filk which detailed what happened in the Pendleverse, actually. Hmm... skips off, rifles through LJ entries
... here It's actually in the Comments section rather than the main entry, but I've left the link to the page as a whole because it's in response to Raincitygirl's comment.
James Potter - something of a scallywag in his youth, it appears. Not quite a cad, but...
Out of curiosity, has anyone run across any well-written LotR fanfic which wildly violates canon by, say, putting Aragorn and Eowyn together?
t sap looking for a good fix