I'm currently having a fling with Century Gothic. The clean Art Deco-ish lines please me.
'Objects In Space'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I use boring old 12-point Times New Roman for almost everything, except my resume, which is in some sans serif font whose name I can't recall at the moment, because it's more legible in smaller font size. And, I did it that way to start with and have never completely rebuilt the thing--just added onto it as I've gone along.
I love Trajan, but you couldn't write a story in it.
I don't have it on my computer, so your files come up looking like Times 13. Which is a perfectly lovely thing, but hard to edit in. (I change them to Verdana 9. I'm sure you change them back as soon as you get them.)
t edit xpost
My love affair is with Trebuchet MS. I can't explain it, but it pleases me. At 10pt, the r's are Just dreamy... rarrr.
Font geeks!!!!!!
skips of to ogle Trebuchet
Yeah, okay. I see the love.
Yeah, okay. I see the love.
It's the preferred font in the recalibration style sheet. I may someday switch.
Straight ten point verdana for my archiving needs.
Crazy ass double post.
I'm Times New Romans' bitch.