I use boring old 12-point Times New Roman for almost everything, except my resume, which is in some sans serif font whose name I can't recall at the moment, because it's more legible in smaller font size. And, I did it that way to start with and have never completely rebuilt the thing--just added onto it as I've gone along.
I love Trajan, but you couldn't write a story in it.
I don't have it on my computer, so your files come up looking like Times 13. Which is a perfectly lovely thing, but hard to edit in. (I change them to Verdana 9. I'm sure you change them back as soon as you get them.)
t edit
My love affair is with Trebuchet MS. I can't explain it, but it pleases me. At 10pt, the r's are Just dreamy... rarrr.
Font geeks!!!!!!
skips of to ogle Trebuchet
Yeah, okay. I see the love.
Yeah, okay. I see the love.
It's the preferred font in the recalibration style sheet. I may someday switch.
Straight ten point verdana for my archiving needs.
I'm Times New Romans' bitch.
Heh. Hey Connie, remember the happy ending you rec'd?
Looking through This thread, looks like SA and I may be partly to blame. (Though I suspect the actually plot bunny was already there in her overly-fertile imagination, and we just served to open the hatch doors, I just like the notion that like a butterfly spanking its wings in the forest, we had some sort of global effect. It justifies the random goofies, you see.)