FayJay, we never conclusively saw them involved.
We were just told it was his baby.
There were some confusing points (well, why is she in his bathroom, then?) but really, CC was being a prick, and not at all the fun kind.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
FayJay, we never conclusively saw them involved.
We were just told it was his baby.
There were some confusing points (well, why is she in his bathroom, then?) but really, CC was being a prick, and not at all the fun kind.
Many people lead rich, fulfilling lives without writing fan fic.
These words make no sense.
Edit: ita, IIRC, it was mentioned (that beds were involved) last season.
Fay, yes, they got textual, but it wasn't shown, just told. Because CC is the antichrist, and has his own layer of hell where he and GL can sit in black oil and carbonite until I forgive them, which ain't going to happen.
It was, imho, in many respects a vertitable vortex of suckitude, and once again I'm very glad that this show was not the focus of my heartfelt fannish adoration whilst it was still running, because yes, the gradual disillusionment and sense of betrayal as one realised that CC & co were winging it madly would have been heartbreaking.
You speak so eloquently about the experience.
Sigh. See, I figured out how it would happen, or how it could happen, rather. Oh damn!
I didn't even bother watching the last season of X-Files. It would have felt like I was hanging out with a really infuriating ex.
did Mulder and Scully get textually romantic at any point? Because this final ep seemed to read like they were textually involved, and I've only watched it patchily.
Um. I would have to say, not textually. We never saw it as such. And it was unclear for a long time (and perhaps even now?) as to who fathered Scully's miracle!Sprog. 1013 did much poorly characterized retcons and handwaving, and basically pissed off many fans. Either have no romance or have a romance, but don't try both at the same time, you dumbasses. Feh.
Me? Bitter? Naaaaa...
And if there's a bloody romance after nine years, we deserve to SEE something, damnit. I wanted nookie! Onscreen nookie!
And if there's a bloody romance after nine years, we deserve to SEE something, damnit. I wanted nookie! Onscreen nookie!
Wow, I'm still really bitter about this.
I have this idea for a cross-over I'm tooling with...don't know if I should do it, the x-over's sort of obscure.
And it ain't slash.
What's the fandom, Miracleman?
I'm thinkin' of an Angel/Grendel x-over.