No, Am Chau. No, it really wouldn't. Have to say I stand with Askye in the Elves Aren't Sexual corner, and I've yet to find MPreg a good idea.
I have, however, read several surprisingly good Buffy-has-a-baby stories (looks pointedly at PMM and Herself) and I don't have any problems with it conceptually - Cordy has been impregnated with demon spawn several times and Darla had a baby, so it's not like the show's writers wouldn't go there. MPreg, on the other hand....
Actually, if I'm wholly honest my Sam-Love isn't all about getting into his Hobbity knickers. I just love him. I do maintain that Hobbits have the sex, because they're all over the whole eating, drinking, smoking, rollicking in the hay thing, as far as I can see. Very Anglo Saxon. But my love of Sam is pure and obsessive, because he is Sam, and thus worth dying for. Or killing for. Rather than based on "Oooh! Pretty!" Although he is that too.
the Halos, in Buffy.
Huh. Interesting. I never heard of those awards. The only Buffy fanfic ones I knew of were the usual, "I have a website so I'm going to start an awards page and give awards to all my friends and anyone else who thinks Willow and Angel belong together."
This is insane. I need to stop re-reading this damned story.
Would I sound like a complete ass if I send feedback again with "Just checked. Yep, still gets me. Every time. Three of them today."?
I sent feedback.
For something I'd already feedbacked.
Amends the Next Time, a post-Apocalypse Nowish (Rain of Fire) Gunn/Wes story.
I sometimes read fanfic and want to red-pen it, and never send feedback because it would be full of "You have no notion of subject-verb agreement." I think I should've gone into editing instead of Latin.
And the evil Farscape fans (whom I love) have now planted Giles meets Aeryn in my head and it won't go away! There is no sex but I think extensive intellectual warfare might work.
Weep. Weep weep weep. Post The First stuff in Buffy.
I sometimes read fanfic and want to red-pen it, and never send feedback because it would be full of "You have no notion of subject-verb agreement." I think I should've gone into editing instead of Latin.
I often want to red-pen things. In a past life, I proof-read and red-penned things all the time. Now, however, I mostly just beta-read and do an occasional copy-edit-on-the-fly when we're pinched for time at work.