Oh, I wanna make vids too. Because I can see them so clearly in my mind's eye - there's the "Patience Worth" one, and "Faith Healer", and "Nancy Boy" ... see, I know all this (semi) obscure music that would be perfect for various videos ...
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Hah, people who haven't seen it might not believe it. But I'll figure out that whitefonting. I always have to remind myself how that works.
See, you give me the power to vid, and next thing you know, I'll be doing vids to Back and Dvorak and Sondheim.
(SA can tell you I spent last night looking for the worst stuff possible on adult fanfiction dot net. Umm. And by worst, I mean... well, don't even want to think about it, because you ain't seen squick until you've seen some of the things up there.)
Buffy/Mummy Hand. (Noncon.)
She read me lines.
I forgave her though, because she gave me Buffy.
Buffy/Mummy Hand.
Gleep. Even without the qualifier.
FayJay, I probably wasn't describing that Angel/Buffy in Nazi Germany thing well enough. It was definitely an AU fic. She wasn't the Slayer. I'm pretty sure he wasn't a vampire. It was a horrible craptastic story that some friends of mine mocked soundly for, umm, weeks at least. LOL
Eminem in Angel makes as much sense as...
My ego is expanding as we speak, but I like to think that Eminem in the Angelverse makes more sense than that other thing you mentioned. That was the most random guest star on Buffy ever. Damn.
She read me lines.
Misery. Company. Like rum and coke.
My take on private/public space issues re LJ/Buffistas/whatever - if it's on the Internet and it's not firewalled it's public.
Wrod with a side of wrod cakes.
It's just that this is a community familiar with itself, and so our responses to one of our own may be different from a stranger's responses. Does that make any sense?
I don't know, connie, I think that I draw the line a little closer. Of course, I mean, I know Theodesia as a person and fellow Buffista, and I did pull my argument and set it back down because I didn't feel like going I'm afraid I think you're not only wrong, but also presenting your opinion in a manner that's offensive and riding another everybody-annoyed day just then. But I've got my back back up now.
Is Theodesia even here right now? t later Hi, Theo.
But, anyway, I don't think that that should keep anyone from quoting-- responsibly; embitca didn't spindle or fold Theo's posts at all that I could see-- any Buffista's posts in an outside forum. If you're really, really concerned about that, take it to backchannel.
Which I, selfishly, hope you won't, as I say below. But oh dear.
Jesus. Can I apologise unreservedly for bringing up the subject of RPF in the first place? That'll teach me to keep my mouth shut. Or at least to keep my Meta ramblings to my LJ. I am really, REALLY sorry (about almost provoking embitca to do the link thing).
Ah! Fuck.
I, please, just as one person, offering my own opinion-- I don't want to ever be at a board where someone's got to apologise for bringing up a topic, apologise based only on the virtue of the topic itself (not contextualised, like, it's spoilery, or it's off-topic, or it's a fact-finding question everybody answered sixty times already just the day before). I'm not scared of RPF-discussage, and I don't think-- *is* anyone else here? And I know we've had this discussion here twice before in my memory. But, as long as it doesn't come up every other week (which it hasn't), I *welcome* the repetition. Because I'm very interested in this, I'm interested in theories about fandom, and if I get to revisit an issue six months after I last spelled out my position I find I often have new things to think about it. I can come up against new oppositions, and be puzzled by them, and synthesize my reactions to them into my original argument and make it stronger. Which, obviously, is something I'm very invested in-- having a strong argument! The only way in which I can imagine someone getting annoyed at this conversation in this thread is if they were considering it just a fic thread for discussion and reccage of fic itself, and not a meta-fic or meta-fandom thread. Please, forgive me, if that is your position, for my own selfish desire to have RPF-argument-age and other meta-fandom discussions in here.
I'm very, very uncomfortable, I think, I'm afraid, with the notion that one should, if one is internally-to-one's-head happy or proud of ones' own tastes, have to apologise for them when discussing them in this forum. If you're wracked with guilt internally, Fay, over your liking of some RPF, then that's an interesting situation and certainly let's discuss it; but if your internal moral code allows you to accept it, and you can articulate why that's so-- or even if you can't-- please, allow no perceived community-wide assumption or preference make you cringe and scrape in your posts here.
That's my feeling on this matter, and I believe it's actually quite central to the definition of Buffistahood. If I'm wrong, I don't want to be a Buffista.
We are polite. And we are all very properly appreciative of the other person's sovereign right to hold their own point of view, even if we cannot viscerally or intellectually appreciate that *particular* POV itself. And we often agree on things; but differing opinions can and must live side by side in our collective heart, and if that cannot happen and happen with grace we're not being the perfect utopian society that we are, dude.
And I'm all totally "yay new blood!" As long as they are polite (but not to the point of suppressing their own opinions) and have something to contribute, as embitca certainly does and is.
See, the reason it does your head in is the reason I love it so much. I can't know Eminem or Justin Timberlake totally and utterly and that's what makes them so fascinating. There's no canon as such. I can't be "Jossed" as it were. Maybe this sounds lazy, I dunno. But for me the fascination is the things written in between the lines in all the interesting things that get said about celebrities. [...] So what's true? It gives me a place to conjecture and I find the conjecture to be entertaining. I know that as much as I know about Eminem, I don't know the whole story and that's why he fascinates me in a way fictional characters don't.
This is fascinating to me. I think that a lot of the visceral-squick part of my reaction to RPF has to do with my growing up as a very, very shuttered person (for a long while, I freaked out when anyone asked me what kind of music I liked to listen to. It was information too personal to give out. I was *that* vulnerable to anyone poking any inner part of me.) who also knew almost flat zero about popular culture.
Also, slashing Eminem is just poetic justice when it comes right down to it ;)
And *this* is the part that made me cackle with glee when I found your LJ and realized there were people writing Eminem slash. Dude.
Oh! And since you're here, I'm reminded of this stupid little question I wanted to ask. I know he did a song called "Without Me". Does it go, you know, like "this looks like a job for me / everybody come follow me / something something controversy / 'cause it feels so empty without me"? Because I hear that song every time I go skating; and I *hate* it, and if I can ID it as his I can finally offer it as
and if I can ID it as his I can finally offer it as one Eminem song I heard casually and didn't absolutely immediately totally-reluctantly love. I feel I have some sort of dykely rep I ought to be maintaining. Or something.
Okay, here's a non-RPS question: Do you have to actually watch Smallville to get the fic? I've been getting poked and prodded about it and figure I could use another fandom to read in.
Honestly, the only reason I watched Smallville last year was to keep up with canon so I could keep reading the fics. I'd given up watching it for a while, and this chick named Victoria kept showing up and I was so confused!
But this year it both seems to suck worse and have less fic out there being produced fast-fast, so, dunno, if you've got a basic idea of the premise I'd say go ahead and try to get a hold on canon from the inside out. I did it for dS!
I can, it turns out, be flustered and squicked with remarkable ease - but it's the indelicacy of the title that did it, though.
Fay, don't read the bad fic. I've got a bunch-- or a few, I don't know, but they're GOOD-- of HP recs, if you're interested. Shall I email you?
You know what I really want?
I wanna learn how to vid. And have the equipment to pull it off. Sigh.
Dude. Dana. Wouldn't that be cool? I've got all these songs I *need* to add fanly images to.... Fandom is so weird. Half a year ago I was all "vidding? What the fuck is that and doesn't it sound wildly impractical?"
... If anyone ever finds me an Angel-POV vid to REM's "Lotus", I will pay cash to get at it. Or chocolate. Or sexual favors. Whatev.
Buffy/Mummy Hand. (Noncon.)
t chokes on her juice t not in the good way
[edit: So... in which direction was it noncon?]
RL, I'll have to disagree with that. This is a forum that's easy to post in. If you want to talk about or respond to a post in this forum, do so.
Don't take it to an entirely different public forum where the original poster isn't around to discuss it.
But that's apparently my issue, and the internet is changing, as is netiquette.
I'll stop now.