Mal: So we run. Nandi: I understand, Captain Reynolds. You have your people to think of, same as me. And this ain't your fight. Mal: Don't believe you do understand, Nandi. I said 'we run'. We.

'Heart Of Gold'

Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers  

This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.

Consuela - Dec 23, 2002 11:38:12 am PST #1990 of 10000
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

Embitca, thanks for showing up and responding. That's most gracious.

I do entirely agree that the internet is public. So while I understand that it's possible (even likely) that anything I say may be taken out of context, crossposted from here to Sunday, and mocked, that doesn't mean I have to like it.

I guess I'm strange in that I do draw distinctions between what's possible and what's polite. And maybe I draw lines where other people wouldn't.

But thanks for coming by.

§ ita § - Dec 23, 2002 11:38:15 am PST #1991 of 10000
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

Oh! Oh! How quickly she defects.


(I'm just setting myself up to poke at her Crow/LFN WIP)

Michele T. - Dec 23, 2002 11:39:18 am PST #1992 of 10000
with a gleam in my eye, and an almost airtight alibi

I thought that given the premise, the Buffy of "Thaw" made sense, but I can understand why you wouldn't. Hm. I will see if I can think up other things.

Katie M - Dec 23, 2002 11:40:50 am PST #1993 of 10000
I was charmed (albeit somewhat perplexed) by the fannish sensibility of many of the music choices -- it's like the director was trying to vid Canada. --loligo on the Olympic Opening Ceremonies

Katie, if you're really interested in that whole argument, there was a huge discussion about these issues on Glass_Onion a while back, where people tried to resolve what was appropriate to cross-post to the list versus LJs and blogs and whatnot.

Yeah, I'll keep that in mind - thanks. (Of course, then I'll be sitting on my hands wanting to reply to months-old discussion, which is even worse, but there you go.)

Katie M - Dec 23, 2002 11:41:30 am PST #1994 of 10000
I was charmed (albeit somewhat perplexed) by the fannish sensibility of many of the music choices -- it's like the director was trying to vid Canada. --loligo on the Olympic Opening Ceremonies

Oh, and no, ita, I don't mind at all. When you start inserting rude secret messages, then I'll mind.

embitca - Dec 23, 2002 11:46:42 am PST #1995 of 10000

Can I just plead that you not link us in fandom_wank? The point may be moot, but...I'm feeling a little isolationist today.

Well, I think I explained in my LJ comments yesterday why I decided against linking to fandom_wank so I'm surprised many of you are so worried about it now. But, I can't really stop someone else from deciding to do it if they find it worthy. Although honestly I don't see why they would unless we start calling each other names. And you all are too polite for that. (I, on the other hand, am not LOL)

embitca - Dec 23, 2002 11:50:27 am PST #1996 of 10000

Consuela, I honestly don't see that I took the remarks I quoted out of context. In fact, I was careful to preserve most of her two posts rather than just quoting the lines I personally found offensive. But yes, we do draw lines in different places. At any rate, thanks for the welcome.

Consuela - Dec 23, 2002 11:55:02 am PST #1997 of 10000
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

Well, I meant the more general context of the Buffista community and our knowledge of Theodosia as an individual, not just a poster on a random board, if you see what I mean.

I didn't mean to imply that you implied she said something she didn't. (Can I add another "imply" in there somewhere?)

It's just that this is a community familiar with itself, and so our responses to one of our own may be different from a stranger's responses. Does that make any sense?

shrift - Dec 23, 2002 12:00:54 pm PST #1998 of 10000
"You can't put a price on the joy of not giving a shit." -Zenkitty

I'm just setting myself up to poke at her Crow/LFN WIP

Bugger me sideways.

Was gonna go looking for you, but now I'm thinking that there's not enough love to go around today.

Kristen - Dec 23, 2002 12:01:14 pm PST #1999 of 10000