SA, I've yet to find good (IMO) LOTR fic... But I've basically been looking at Aragorn stuff. (edit, so if you find any, please link)
Elena's "Two Ravens" (and associated stories) made me cry. Lots.
Oh, Anne, this made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Because I cried while writing it. Lots. They were just all so broken....
I've never been able to read Talking Stick. It's just so, so, boring....
Like drinking really good alcohol, Plei.
Okay, not doing the Jewish Motherly freakout thing, 'cause, hell, I was drinking at Lizard's age and so was my wee sister (sensibly, socially, with family, not Thunderbird under a bridge somewhere) - but, dude, you've got my Automatic Overprotective Sam Gamgee switch set to Kill on a permanent basis, so it took a moment there.
Oh, sweetheart, I don't drink. All I know about alcohol is what I've got from, er, writing, including Plei's posts-- I was just nodding (clumsily) to that.
(Reminds self: drink less next year)
thinking "hmmm wonder if I take this to my dance instructor if he'll help me find away to do a Showcase piece to this OR freak the hell out."
The DJs at the Thursday gothy/industrial dance night I go to have become very understanding about playing "Gingerbread Coffin" early in the evening, because I'm the only person who (currently) dances to it. One of the DJs said they play it because they love watching me swoop and twirl around the empty dancefloor.
t adores Jilli beyond all power to express it.
blushes bright pink, looks bashfully at her pointy-toe shoes
Well, I have to learn proper Minion training from Jilli.
I adore FayJay too, I want to be her right hand woman in her protection of Sam Gamgee.
Okay, I'm really, really going off to work on Xmas presents.