Viridian's is all Harper/Dylan. And I don't read Dylan, seeing as he's the reason I don't watch anymore. I think her recs are mostly Dylan centric as well.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I was amazed and frankly a little freaked by the very strong Willow/Giles vibe. There was chemistry, I believe, of a strong Wrong but Right nature (see, though, one of the reasons I was freaked was that I don't see Giles as hot at all-- and I'm not able to empathise with or understand the motivations for either party, even after really thinking about it; which really shows, I think, how much it was being pushed on screen).
Hmmm. I didn't see that, or at least, I don't remember doing so. Season 2's coming around again in a month or so on FX, so I'll try to watch for a W/G vibe, wrong or otherwise. I don't always catch the chemistry that other people see, so it could just be me. I'd certainly see Giles/Willow before Giles/Buffy.
I've always seen Giles as hot. Willow, not so much, but somewhat.
Recreation of the Warrior, Kit Mason. That's my one Andromeda rec.
Goes down as one of my favorite stories ever. Unfortunately, no Harper/Tyr will ever live up to it.
I wish I knew of more. I'm sure Viridian's stuff is good, but she tends to write Dylan, and he just makes my teeth itch. You might try her site for recs, though.
Actually, V5 just wrote a nice couple of Harper/Tyr fics. Granted, she does write Dylan, and he is far from my favorite character. But she's written a couple of Harper/Tyr's.
I'll have to go back and look for the Harper/Tyr stuff.
Yes! I was flabbergasted at the Willow/Giles vibe, too. Some of it is "Oh, look, an heir for the Watchers," but the potential is there for more. and Willow has acknowledged that she had a crush on Giles (hasn't she? I may read too much fic). One fic I read had Anya referring in passing to Giles' covert watching of Willow and saying "Old man, young girl, it happens, he'd be horrified if he thought anyone knew. It'll pass."
My personal squick is lovingly described depictions of torture, real torture meant to hurt and break. There are a lot of Angelus stories I have to skim. I don't care if some part of William gets off on it or if Angelus is super-sweet afterwards, it ain't a place my mind wants to go.
I think my age-cut-off is more dependent on how self-aware the person is. If you've got a 13-year-old capable of making an intelligent decision about sex, sure, go for it. But if you got a very innocent 19-year-old (they exist, they do) and someone takes advantage of them, it's upsetting.
She mentions having a crush on Giles in the episode where Giles is singing "Behind Blue Eyes"'s on the soundclip I have.
I can't imagine a 13 capable of making an intelligent decision about sex, but I'm probably basing my judgment to closely on the various 13 year olds that I have known. (By that I mean, he/she may well be out there.)
I can't imagine a 13 capable of making an intelligent decision about sex
Neither can I. Which is a great deal of the problem. And I read all this HP stuff of them finding their true loves in school, and all I can think is "They're too young! In five years they'll despise each other!" Though threats of war do pretty much throw reasonability out the window.
I read all this HP stuff of them finding their true loves in school, and all I can think is "They're too young! In five years they'll despise each other!"
True. But so often teens, because they have never been in love before, can't imagine that they could ever feel that way again.
I do know two couples who first got together in HS & were still happily married in their 30s. I would hate to think of either couple ever breaking up.
I have a branch of the family where all 4 girls lost their virginity at 13. There's a surprising range of reaction there.