I'm not familiar with Rachel Lee Arlington but I'll go read find her stuff and read it.
'Hell Bound'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Anybody have links to well-done Spider-Man movie fic (slash or not)? I need some examples of how writers have successfully captured the characters.
Bren Antrim's Best Friends (Spiderman/Smallville) made me laugh like a DRAIN. I haven't read her other Spiderman stories , but I'd guess they'll be worth a look.
Thank you kindly!
Pretty sure Te's written Spider-Man fic. And isn't there a movieslash list or archive or sumthin' out there?
Tetchy? debchan wrote that Simon/Jayne and I think it's very much in character, not to mention drop dead funny. And she captures Mal perfectly in only a few words of dialogue.
Shaye just posted the most stunning story. It's a Farscape story, written in second person present tense, backwards. Simply gorgeous.
find it here
Lizard, I'm going through ToS on the strength of your recommend--evil Potter Fic Pusher--and is there a prequel to that? There sure is a lot happening before hand if not. Poor Ron!
FearlessDiva is still revising Tissue of Silver, actually, so there may be more tweaking, but I don't think we'll get to hear about Ron's story, poor lamb.
Although there's no prequel in the works she's presently writing a deliciously farcical sequel called Seeing The Light aka "The Snogfic", because it's inspired by a photo Zahra sent me of Jude Law (our choice of Future!Draco) being snogged by Jonny Lee Miller (our choice of Future!Harry). It's frivolous and tangled and plotty as a plotty thing, in the style of the traditional English farce (not yet readable online, but I'm beta-ing/bouncing around plot ideas like mad). Once that's done and dusted she plans to follow it with a story all about Snape, the seeds for which will be planted in the Snogfic.