Hits without emails are kind of like sending out presents without getting thank you notes back. You know they like it, but would a little note be so hard? And yes, I seem to be channelling my grandmother.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I very rarely send feedback - I can count the number of times I have on one hand. It feels either intrusive or arrogant (if there's any criticism) or intrusive and pointless (if it's just "gosh, I really liked this.") I mean, I don't know that person, you know? And I have a lot of good old-fashioned Yankee interpersonal boundaries.
Just FWIW. I'm sorry that it's frustrating, and I do go through occasional bursts where I promise myself I'll feedback pieces I really liked or admired, but... I'm shy.
And a hit doesn't mean much -- there's no way of knowing if they liked it, if the big words or the length scared them away. If they opened it and said, "ew, these people are dirty and unhappy and scared! Don't wanna read it!"
BOFQ? Absolutely.
I have a rant brewing about people who call it "out of character" when a character in fanfiction does something unlikeable. Even when that particular behavior is (a) supported by canon, or (b) supported by the story history itself. Some people simply cannot bear to have their fantasy objects behave in a less than perfect way.
Drives me bugfuck.
Published writers get royalty checks and reviews in newspapers. Fic writers get nothing.
It's neither intrusive nor unwelcome (unless the writer's a complete freak). It's a marvelous way to let people know what worked and what didn't, and a great way to make new friends. My first two betas came out of feedback mail that turned into conversations.
But Suela, you get the Joy of Having Written! Surely that's enough.
(I'll try. I promise.)
Oh, and RE the Farscape con report: I've never pictured you as blonde. I decided this is because a "Consuela" is definitely not a blonde - but I can see how your fic handle might be.
Sorry to yell at you, Katie. I'm being a bitter old fic queen this week. Must be hormones.
No no, that's okay. I didn't feel yelled at, just strongly encouraged.
I haven't sent feedback because I'm, um, lazy and evil. And also I haven't finished reading the rewrite.
XF fandom (or ficdom, I suppose) has changed a *lot*, I think. Or I only think so because I never read lists anymore. I think feedback will start coming through.
Or it might be Yahoo fucking up. My lj notifications have been haphazard this week.
I try to send three feedbacks a week. This week, too busy, and read very little. Heh.
Weird. I just realized I still managed it, not even including my Silverlake feedback.
Cool. Go me!