27 months writing the story. Vicious (but worthy) beta from three machete wielders. Occasional stalking from readers and other members of the writing community. "You're gonna finish this, right?" Final size: 258K, four separate povs, half a dozen original characters. And plot, by god.
Total feedback emails: fewer than 10. That's less than 1% of the people who've hit the page to read it.
Believe me, I sympathize. My big story is following this exact same path. It gets quite frustrating...
Dude, I just got feedback from the second fic I've ever written. It'll come. And even if it doesn't, write it for the sake of writing. Because it wants to be written, and because you can write it -- and write it well.
I have a special folder in Yahoo for feedback. I go back and read through them when feeling delicate.
t might need to reuse the feedback whore tag
I freely admit to being a feedback ho.
It's just that the fandom has changed but the story hasn't. And, as David rightly pointed out, it's been a long time between installments.
I just... I'm no longer really excited about this story but I committed to finishing it. And now I wonder if it's worth it, if anyone is gonna read it. And I don't want to spend three months writing something that no one's gonna read. I have stories I'd rather be writing.
I'd finish it, otherwise it just sits there staring at you.
I'd tend to try and finish it. If it's four months instead of three because you play with some others things, that's okay, but if you don't finish it and in six months the fandom swings back your way, you'll get an e-mail that says 'I liked the first half of this, when's the rest coming?' and you'll kick yourself. Or that's what would happen to me.
Am-Chau, insent back atcha.
Suela, if you got 1400 hits surely someone's reading it?
Hits without emails are kind of like sending out presents without getting thank you notes back. You know they like it, but would a little note be so hard? And yes, I seem to be channelling my grandmother.