Does anybody know any good advice about writing sex scenes? It can be yours or off a book or site.I'm bracing for Pornathology: the next Incarnation, and have never really written anything overtly sexual(Except maybe one embarrassing poem to an old bf I'd rather forget.) Cause, well, my friend found it after the fact, and it was kind of funny afterwards, not hot. Not that they can't co-exist, I suppose.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
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The biggest thing, for me, about writing a sex scene is, does it push any of your buttons? You may have read dozens of recommended stories with a particular practice, but if the method doesn't do anything for you, you won't be able to write it convincingly. Heck, it doesn't have to be anything you'd DO, but if playing the scene in your head brings a flush to your cheeks then odds are you can do justice to the scene on paper.
Also, don't be afraid of unadorned terms. It's a penis, sometimes it throbs, sometimes it twitches, sometimes it just lays there waiting for someone to pay attention to it. Also, if you don't want to be vulgar--whatever your level of vulgarity is--don't be. Write for yourself first.
brought to you by the Society of People Hoping They Don't Sound As Pretentious As They Fear.
My only advice is to avoid old saws like "Holy thrusting loins, Batman, your asshole's too tight!"
"Holy thrusting loins, Batman, your asshole's too tight!"
I'm fond of The Joy of Writing Sex, erika, but that's not a guide to writing porn, or erotica, at all-- it's about including sex gracefully in a literary story.
yep, definitely. although that was funny the first time, I'm sure.
Yeah, umm. Taken directly from my before-I-knew-what-slash-was slashing.
I wish I still had copies of the stories, but that and the adventure where Piete of Pretty Piete's Pleasure Gel was kidnapped and they had to rescue him are all I can remember.
(Heh. Though I didn't even put Piete in sexual situations, it did swing a bit close to RPS.)(Piete was a friend of mine in High School. Only I didn't know him when I wrote the stories, I just liked the spelling of his name. However, he'd managed to read them before we met, and actually thought they were kind of funny, so no trouble did I get into.)
Hmm. I know sites for advice on how to write gay sex...
yes, I've seen that one, I think. I found it kind of eye-opening when I read it, but don't remember much now.
I don't know if Erika's looking for advice on writing gay sex, but let's have the links while you're at it, Dana.
(at it... oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I am throughly corrupted.)