When you get that psychic interface to write the fic, let me know.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
a certain someone gave me a wink and a nudge and a take a look, and so I peeked. Suddenly Duncan and Methos's relationship made so much more sense...
But it really does make more sense!
So I finally read Lust Over Pendle.
Loved it.
At the same time, the holes in it are still, two days later, driving me bonkers. Maybe it's the slasher in me, but no fair tantalizing me with a really interesting relationship and then only showing me two seconds of it!
Argh. There's no chance in hell of finding any decent Draco/Neville.
For Harry Potter recs (often gen or het), try Jintian at doublehelix.org, and Bright Shiny Objects.
polishes array of shiny toasters. wonders where to put the new one.
Argh. There's no chance in hell of finding any decent Draco/Neville.
AJ Hall is, however, writing a sequel. Or possibly a prequel, I'm not sure. Or maybe both. Praise the lord.
Oooh. I like the idea of a prequel. Because as much fun as LoP was, what I really wanted to see was the story hinted at about Draco defending Neville while Neville gathered plants and the way Draco came over to the other side.
"Themes and Leitmotifs" by Jennifer Oksana over at Shriftweb. Go. Read. (I'd do a link if I weren't lazy)
Yup, that's the one.
Because as much fun as LoP was, what I really wanted to see was the story hinted at about Draco defending Neville while Neville gathered plants and the way Draco came over to the other side.
Me too! The slasher in me wept for the lack-of-romancey/sexy bits. Though it was still excellent.
I just spent a ridiculous amount of time reading "Lust Over Pendle." Loved it. Totally not regretting the homework I didn't do while reading it.
BSO December update. Lotta stories. Many fandoms. Yada yada. Would pimp more enthusiastically except am brain-dead.
t falls face down on the floor.