I just spent a ridiculous amount of time reading "Lust Over Pendle." Loved it. Totally not regretting the homework I didn't do while reading it.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
BSO December update. Lotta stories. Many fandoms. Yada yada. Would pimp more enthusiastically except am brain-dead.
t falls face down on the floor.
OK, maybe it's just me, but I can't get anything to load over at Lust Over Pendle. Is it the ebook format? I click on hte cover and all I get is another cover and a blank screen with a progress bar. When I go to the shoes for industry site, I get a lot of stuff about how wonderful ebooks are but nothing on finding the story.
Vonnie, you guys rock. And not just cause you recced CG for me. Hey, did I tell you Raelee Hill totally vindicated my character interpretation? I'm so jazzed.
Here's another version of LOP, connie.
rearranges toaster collection to maximise remaining surface space. Squeezes new toasters alongside their brethren. Smiles.
When I go here I get the cover and a small bar at the top saying 'reading navigation menu' and clicking on the navigation bar brings up a list of things including 'read online', (and 'download as ebook, which I ignore 'cause I don't think I can do that and I'm old fashioned anyway) which takes you to a list of chapters. But if that isn't what your computer does, then it's some funky computer thing beyond my ken (of which there are manymanymanymanymanymany).
t collapses in a heap
I finished. The entire thing is posted, all 258K of it. Jeez, what a lot of work that is in a fandom without an auto-archive like Shrift uses. Oy.
At any rate, if anyone here reads XF, Fimbulwinter is a long story in an ongoing X-Files post-colonization series. Only one more big chunk and then I'll be done. Oh, and there's a summary at the beginning, kind of a "previously, in Life During Wartime", if you haven't been reading along.
Lots of angst & shit like that. Also the looming death of billions, a gun battle, alien invasion, and eleven copies of The Lord of the Rings. Enjoy.
Vonnie-- thanks!
I have only read a few so far, but I did especially like the Gilmore Girls one!
Question for those of you who teach (or anyone)--
I keep thinking that a modified version of fanfiction might be a good learning tool. Either something like "Write an episdoe of your favorite TV show -- which might let students focus on plot, rather than developing characters, or teach them how to develop a charactr's voice very specifically OR "we've read The Scarlet Letter, write a new scene" which would allow them to think about something they've read in a new way or teach them to delve into a character's thoughts.
Is that weird? It seems better than the completely blank "write a short story" or "write a newspaper article about The Scarlet Letter.
Perhaps, though, students get less lame assignments now that I am not in high school.
Sophia, that's a brilliant idea!
Sophia, my young brother (young as in under-16-still-in-compulsary-education) gets things like that all the time. They read a few stories by an author in class, and they they have to write one in that style. Even when I was in primary school (about 11-12, for non-UK people) a fairly open-minded teacher had us writing an episode of a TV show, an extra chapter for a book, and extra scene for a play, whatever fitted with what we'd been doing.