Gonna sit on the Not-Too-Excited-By-Slash bench.(Although I used to say No! Never! and there are a few stories I've liked since so...there may be Ho in my Yay someday.)
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I really don't want people to think that all popslash is like this--that would be a real disservice to all the brilliant, talented writers who are in the fandom.
Okay, first off- what someone said, that people who have never been into the fandom before aren't going to recognise parody when they see it first. That's me! Second, I think my reaction is also affected by the number of people who are serious about stuff like that in my own fandom(s). I'm sure there are talented people in RPS- I just wish they were in something else (preferrably something I read. Yep, I'm self-centered).
parody is going to just go whizzing over the heads of people who aren't familiar with the thing being parodied
What Fay said. And thanks for coming forward stubbleglitter. :)
Although I like glitter, I'm happily stuck in the glam rock era of glitter, when glam was glam and men were space aliens and going down on your guitarist on stage really meant something!
Just had a Bowie moment that mutated into a Curt Wild moment. Curt Wild in leather pants, out of leather pants, up on the roof...
Just had a Bowie moment that mutated into a Curt Wild moment.
I've set up camp in that moment. Pizza delivery is a bit dodgy, but the view is fantastic.
I'm there! I'm toasting marshmallows. Curt says he doesn't mind getting sticky.
Ye gods. I am writing the mother of all epic pieces of fanfic - by mine own standards of prolificness, at least. Just under 12,000 words so far, and it's barely a third of the way in. Argh. I have the plot, I have the ideas, now I just want the damned thing to write itself!!!!!!
t / petulant
When you get that psychic interface to write the fic, let me know.
a certain someone gave me a wink and a nudge and a take a look, and so I peeked. Suddenly Duncan and Methos's relationship made so much more sense...
But it really does make more sense!
So I finally read Lust Over Pendle.
Loved it.
At the same time, the holes in it are still, two days later, driving me bonkers. Maybe it's the slasher in me, but no fair tantalizing me with a really interesting relationship and then only showing me two seconds of it!
Argh. There's no chance in hell of finding any decent Draco/Neville.
For Harry Potter recs (often gen or het), try Jintian at doublehelix.org, and Bright Shiny Objects.
polishes array of shiny toasters. wonders where to put the new one.
Argh. There's no chance in hell of finding any decent Draco/Neville.
AJ Hall is, however, writing a sequel. Or possibly a prequel, I'm not sure. Or maybe both. Praise the lord.
Oooh. I like the idea of a prequel. Because as much fun as LoP was, what I really wanted to see was the story hinted at about Draco defending Neville while Neville gathered plants and the way Draco came over to the other side.