Michael Rosenbaum has a very, very dangerous power, and it's unfortunate that he's usually the shining cocksickle beacon of all that's good and sexy in a steaming pile of crapulence.
Oh, wow. May I tag this, Shrift?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Michael Rosenbaum has a very, very dangerous power, and it's unfortunate that he's usually the shining cocksickle beacon of all that's good and sexy in a steaming pile of crapulence.
Oh, wow. May I tag this, Shrift?
Not necessarily very deep people, but yes, you can make Soylent Green out of boyband people if you so choose.
Okay, brief moment of 80s nostalgia -- do you realize that a former boyband person, perhaps one of the ur-boyband, is now a reasonably respected actor? He is still called Donnie Walhberg, but at least he no longer wears baseball caps sideways.
(People didn't believe me when I pointed out that was him in his tighty-whiteys in Bruce Willis's bathroom in The Sixth Sense. )
Sort of makes you wonder what Justin Timberlake will be doing in 10 years, doesn't it?
But I wouldn't dismiss BB RPS because it's BB. I'd do it because it's RPS.
True. I have issues with both, and sometimes they get clouded up, but when all is said and done, RPS squicks me, period.
Both Donnie and Marky-Mark escaped the BB curse. Not that MM was boy band exactly, but he was pretty fluff for teens.
Timberlake has the best chance of actually making it solo, given his recent reviews. Can't really see him acting, though.
Mmff. There's this one moment in the movie where MR-as-Adina is self-consciously checking himself out in a mirror, and I just fell in love with her. And then Adina played football and got all muddy. Deeper in love.
wrod. Not that I've seen the damn movie, but these are simply adorable
(I'm still zinging with the realisation that Jason 'Luscious Malfoy' Isaacs is in a frock with MR in Sweet November. Going to have to see that movie
Not necessarily very deep people
But they're no deeper or shallower than any other celebs that get RPFed. That's all I'm saying.
May I tag this, Shrift?
Snerk. Yes.
I may have to transfer some of this hungover-Frito-Lay-induced-really-I'm-working-not-quite-wit to the blog at some point.
I don't get RPS either. And I'm okay with that, except for the part where so many of my favorite fanfic authors are writing puppyslash that I don't want to read.
But they're no deeper or shallower than any other celebs that get RPFed.
ita, wrod, and they don't deserve it any more. There's a line- it's called the fiction/non-fiction divide, and crossing it both squicks me mightily and seems to be basically unfair to all those involved.
so many of my favorite fanfic authors are writing puppyslash that I don't want to read.
And I have Anya's voice: 'This is peer pressure. You'll be making me take drugs next.' So I say, keep away from it if you don't like it, shrift.
Further to that, I'm jonesing for a good bit of Kirk/Spock. Something romantic, something sexy, (one or both, I don't mind), something good, and on the medium to short side of long. Anyone want to recommend something?
Well, yeah. You don't got to be deep to be accorded rights. But given my druthers, I might hang out with other people.
Actually, here's a question. I know there's a pretty strong taboo against having fictional characters who are minors (HP, S1 Buffy, e.g.) do adult things like sex or drugs (or buying a house, but that's something I don't see fanfic about very often). Does the same taboo apply when the 'characters' are real people and also minors? Or, having broken one taboo, is it common, or considered OK, to break the age barrier? I guess I ask because surely some of those Tiger Beat creatures are under 17, and I don't know how fans would act about them.