This premise is almost entirely undone by the fact that when you see Buster in his shorts and tank top he's fucking ripped. He was in unbelievable shape.
Not entirely undone, though. Probably because they didn't go in as much for six-pack abs in the '20s.
The pole vault stunt is the only one he didn't do himself.
I saw The Ladykillers in the theater. It wasn't great, mostly pacing issues I think, but it certainly had its moments.
But I was severely underwhelmed by the original Ladykillers, so the concept of remaking it didn't bother me at all.
somehow THE LADYKILLERS seemed gratuitously unnecessary.
See Hanks, Tom.
Despite my suspicion that it's not as bad as its reputation (per Strega's comment), I just can't bring myself to watch Tom Hanks play broad comedy. Or drama. Or anything, really.
I usually don't mind Tom Hanks, but I found him very annoying in The Ladykillers. As in, I probably would have liked the movie with someone else in the role.
Yahoo has the "first 8 minutes" of Live Free or Die Hard. I put that in quotes because the clip starts in media res, and there's certainly story that comes before it, but probably not much.
That's my John McClain.
Entertainment Weekly recently had a 25 Best Action Films of All Time:
1. Die Hard
2. Aliens
3. Raiders of the Lost Ark
4. The Road Warrior
5. The Matrix
6. Seven Samarai
7. Gladiator
8. Saving Private Ryan
9. Hard-Boiled
10. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
11. Speed
12. The Empire Strikes Back
13. The Wild Bunch
14. RoboCop
15. Enter the Dragon
16. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
17. The Bourne Supremacy
18. The Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn)
19. Goldfinger
20. Kill Bill Vol. 1
21. Spiderman 2
22. Predator
23. Drunken Master II
24. Lethal Weapon
25. The Incredibles
I think they need a more orthodox definition of action picture. Because, any movie where Yoda is in it, and doesn't go zapping around the room? I mean, there's action in the Empire Strikes Back, but that's like saying there's milk in my fridge, you know? There's lots of other stuff in my fridge too.
Here's what they say about Empire Strikes Back:
Maybe you're thinking it doesn't feel like an action movie, what with Luke's kinda boring, Jedi training on the swamp planet, Han and Leia's chaste romance, Chewie rocking the third-wheeliness, and Lando pimping it up at Cloud City. But the best of George Lucas' sci-fi sextology still found time to blow our minds. Not only did it get us to believe in a little green puppet, it boasted blistering sequences, like the Imperial attack on Hoth, the Millennium Falcon dodging through the asteroid field, and the most hand-optional father-son reunion since the Hook family's last Christmas party.
Feh. I'm sorry, the first 20 minutes of Return of the Jedi is more actiony than the whole of Empire. Iron bikini! Duels with giant snot monsters! Blind hand-to-hand combat! Betrayal, intruigue, Wookies!
(Whenever the trilogy was on -- USA used to run the whole thing on Christmas Day -- I used to watch all the way through up to the end of the Tattooine sequence and then turn it off.)