There should have been more skin. I wanted Vesper to be bad through and through not blackmailed into it. And then dying to free James or whatever.
Wait! It's over James Bond has a big gun and a man at his feet there should be more killing.
No to add Daniel Craig to the netflix list. The running stuff was really really good. Nice to see it done really well and then have Bond struggling a long, but still getting the guy.
There are talks of another movie right?
If you liked Daniel Craig, you should watch Layer Cake. I also really liked him in Infamous, the other Truman Capote movie.
I have Layer Cake, he is fine to be told in that and Infamous is on my list.
He was also quite good in LOVE IS THE DEVIL where he played a would-be thief who becomes Derek Jacobi's (playing Francis Bacon) tormented lover. Not a fun movie, but both Craig and Jacobi are amazing.
Just back from PotC 3. It's...long. Very, very long.
Very, very long
Ruh Roh.
Of course, I enjoyed the second one, and most people I know were "eh" on it, so I may enjoy it.
I took AMbien last night becasue I was short on my regular meds. I don't remember posting about Layer Cake.
And I don't remember how the movie ended. The last thing I can vaguely remember M is talking to Bond about how the chick was blackmailed. This is going to drive me nuts all day.
and I'll add Love is the Devil to the netflix.
I liked the first nameless woman Bond hooked up with and then I also liked the never speaks blonde bad girl, but Vesper was in it too much and I didn't get why Bond fell in love with her. other than he got beaten severely and she lived somehow and he wanted to keep saving her (and not get beaten any more).
The fact she lived should have been a tip off that something was wrong.
And in some lights he looks like a beefier CKR.
The DH and I totally thought this also.
Just back from PotC 3. It's...long. Very, very long.
Did it convey that pummelled-about-the-head-and-shoulders feeling of PotC2? Was it Bruckheimertastic?
Also during Casino Royale I got really annoyed at the scenes in the airport where none of the employees were wearing badges. Everyone wears picture id badges of some kind in the airport, even the security people, and they have to be visibile.
It was a weird thing to bug me but it did.
Vesper would have been cooler if it was her cunning plan the whole time and she was evil rather than tragically blackmailed.