on Friday. Bought the t-shirt (I mean, it's got "Come and get them" in Greek on it, I had to). Decided that if you need somebody thrown, pushed, or backed off a cliff, you want the Spartans. Infants to elephants, they'll de-cliffistrate them all.
I thought the pacing was wonky, but I think that may be the only movie ever that namechecks the Battle of Plateia. And Butler was quite different as Leonidas (which they pronounced wrong in the movie) than as Beowulf, so that was nice.
One question: many people had told me the sex scene between Leonidas and his wife was really long and pornographic and over the top. Maybe I'm just jaded, but it was maybe 2 minutes long, a sequence of 4 fades, and showed a great deal less than your average rock video. Was it just that they showed nipple? Or did they cut the original sex scene?
Infants to elephants, they'll de-cliffistrate them all.
Oooh, "de-cliffistrate" - it even almost rhymes with defenestrate. Well coined, oh Scrappy.
Lotsa nipple in that movie, all told.
Was it just that they showed nipple? Or did they cut the original sex scene?
I suspect part of it was due to Butler being obviously if tastefully nude in the lead-up scene, with nary an L-shaped sheet in sight. Also, the high contrast close-up camerawork really underscored that yes, women actually do have pores and fine body hair, regardless of most movies' attempts to portray their skin as glassy-smooth.
That's no Scrappy.
It's Mal's mom! Apparently I'm only bothering to read the first letter on anybody's name today.
Butler being obviously if tastefully nude in the lead-up scene
A very worthwhile shot, by the way. If I'd gotten into the shape he got into, I would have demanded a well-lit nude scene.
Raq n Robin
Signed, Raq n Robin
You two should be a rap duo like early Salt N Peppa.
WRT extremely disturbing movies, I couldn't watch Ichi the Killer and had to turn it off after about five minutes. It wasn't jurt that the first scene featured a graphically violent rape, but that another character watched it happen through a window while whacking off that pushed it into unwatchable territory for me. (appologies for lack of white font, I'm posting from my phone)
Well *that* killed the thread nicely.