Would have made an excellent short but as a full-length movie it was just too dumb. The first 30 minutes or so were funny as hell because it's true!
My understanding is that the studio took away control from Mike Judge, and that the movie that you saw was not necessarily the movie he wanted to make.
I would have liked to see the movie he wanted to make.
My understanding is that the studio took away control from Mike Judge, and that the movie that you saw was not necessarily the movie he wanted to make.
Watching the DVD, it's very obvious that this was the case. There are several scenes that just don't make any sense, in a very "the studio didn't know what the fuck they were holding in their hands and so handed it off to a herd of crazed ferrets to do the final cut and then plugged the holes with vapid voiceover narration" kind of way. (The VO isn't terrible, but it was clearly slapped on at the last minute after focus groups reported that the only way anyone would be able to tell what was happening in what remained of this movie would be for someone to constantly explain it while the film was playing.)
I never saw "Catwoman". Halle Berry was enough to put me off seeing it.
But after reading that plot summary...is that for real?
Because now I want to kill and kill until my arms are too tired to move.
Do they really mean she's illusive? We should be so lucky. More illusiveness, please.
Maybe they misspelled "dellusive"?
MM, I am easy to please. I liked
I liked
I even liked
Fantastic Four.
But oh my God, was
Aside from the mere existence of the film, consider that it's airing on American Movie Classics.
Did I miss a news story about all copies of every movie ever made except this one and the works of Uwe Boll being tragically destroyed?
consider that it's airing on American Movie Classics.
Awww, don't pick on AMC. They were great when they had access to the MGM and WB libraries. Once Turner Classic Movies took those back, they had to settle for what scrapings and leavings they could find.
American Movie Classics is now more mis-named than the Learning Channel.