Found this at Wizardnews:
> "In response to pieces that have run in various UK media - A spokesperson from Warner Bros. Pictures has issued the following:
"Daniel Radcliffe is an extremely talented actor, as well as a great collaborator and friend to Warner Bros. Pictures. We've had great experiences working with him on our films and fully support him in the artistic choices he makes as an actor."
Has anybody here seen Touch the Sound? There's a trailer for it on the
Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill
DVD, and I must see this movie. It's a documentary about Evelyn Glennie, a world class percussionist who is also almost completely deaf.
Oh wow, I just went to put it on my Netflix queue and discovered it's available for instant watching online, but I have to go to work soon. Damn.
No, I don't think so, although I've seen Ms. Glennie a lot.
The Radcliffe rumors were crazy. They wouldn't jeopardize a billion-dollar franchise over a
stage play.
In London. And he very likely has an iron-clad contract for these kinds of things, and the appearance in the play would have been cleared in advance.
I'm going to see "The Science of Sleep" this weekend. I'm really excited--have been ever since I first read about the film.
Oh! It's fabulous. Provoked a really good discussion between me and DH when we saw it the first time.
(If we were still on TT, I'd be tempted to start a "Gael Garcia Bernal - Brilliant AND Hott!!" thread because of this movie. What with all the hot and the acting and the funny and the GUH.)
I did not love or even like many of Gondry's choices as a screenwriter, but I did enjoy goodly chunks of Gondry the fabulist visionary here and there.
The Number 23 sucked so hard it doesn't deserve to be in the same post as Science of Sleep. I was hoping it would be another Wicker Man, but alas, no, it's just bad.
For a movie billing itself as a thriller, it was kind of amazingly boring. 90% of the movie is Jim Carrey's character talking about a book he's reading. The other 10% is close-ups of a shifty-eyed dog. ('Cause that's how we know the dog is evil.)
The fucking CLIMAX of the movie is Jim Carrey STILL TALKING ABOUT THE FUCKING BOOK. Only now he understands What It All Means, so it's basically him RECAPPING the previous 70 minutes of the film, presumably because New Line is aware that most of the audience will have fallen asleep by this point so there's no point wasting money on having anything actually, you know, happen.