I thought Merriman was supposed to be quite old? White-haired and distinguished is what I am remembering, vaguely. I would have said that Lovejoy/Wossname was about twenty years too young for the part.
I mean, except inasmuch as "over forty" means "almost dead" in actor-speak.
I always read it as more noble and distinguished than old, really. Like not Peter O'Toole older, but more like Sean Connery in First Knight, perhaps.
He's got quite the craggy face. I think even Lovejoy could have passed for over fifty.
There is an employee in our Law Library named Swearingen. I've never even seen Deadwood, but seeing his name makes me giggle every time.
I adore Ian McShane. But for some reason, my reaction is, "Wait, isn't Merriman supposed to be tall?"
I adore Ian McShane. But for some reason, my reaction is, "Wait, isn't Merriman supposed to be tall?"
Nutty, how did you get access to shrift's account?!
Nutty, how did you get access to shrift's account?!
I am shrift's sockpuppet. Didn't you know??
I'm gonna go beat up a cheetah!
But...Ian McShane is awesome.
The Deadwood watchers keep raving about him, but my most recent experience of the actor was Scoop and his performance in that did my opinion of him no favors.