I'll second megan's sorrow over P-C's lack of love for Sixteen Candles.
I loved Pretty in Pink, too, though. I loved Andie with the mad sewing skilz and the pink car, and Ducky's "Try a Little Tenderness" performance kills me. every. time. And Harry Dean Stanton as Hangdog!Dad!
That said, I couldn't understand what Andie saw in Blaine, and I kind of hated the ending. The class politics didn't ring true to me, either -- we had rich kids exactly like that in the town where I went to high school, and they didn't give a shit who partied with them, especially since they mostly bought their drugs from the have-nots anyway.
::scratches head:: Well, I thought I liked it.
Amy, I think it's one of those, "Although it is not without its problems, I enjoyed it," movies for me, too.
I liked both. But I had a real Ringwald phase. Actually, I found Sixteen Candles more relatable, even before Grandma forgot my birthday.
Then, after her, my favorite was Winona.
I don't think there is anyone now that I have to see(OMG!) in quite the same way.
I don't think there is anyone now that I have to see(OMG!) in quite the same way.
Oh, I do. They're just all men now.
I don't know why I never saw PiP at the time. I seem to have seen every other one of those movies. And I loved Suzanne Vega's "Left of Center".
Actually, I found Sixteen Candles more relatable, even before Grandma forgot my birthday.
Well, I think it has a lot more going on than PiP. It's not that I love every thing about it--I could have done without the whole Long Duk Dong storyline for one thing. But the coming out of the church/leaning-on-the-car scene gets me every time. Plus, both Cusacks!
I saw an 80s fave of mine this weekend. "Summer School" with Mark Harmon and Kirsti Alley (before she became annoying). It's not really a GOOD movie, but it's funny and charming and has some really great moments.
Well, yeah, there's the lust thing...which I still have.(I have watched altogether too many movies with Kyle Secor on Lifetime to discount that.) But it's not the same...or I guess I do that on TV now.
The current crop of movie actors doesn't do it for me, in quite the same way. I used to find Cusack something of a never miss but "Must Love Dogs" kinda sucked.
Of course, I should be past the point of looking at movies as...templates or something, anyway. Mature movie love is bound to be a different thing.
But sometimes I miss that.
I hated Duckie's sense of entitlement, so I considered the as-shown ending the less evil option. I hated the message that, to catch a man, you had to dequirkify yourself, and what that did to Iona. I hated the dress.
In short, I hate it like Theo hates Julia Roberts.
In short, I hate it like Theo hates Julia Roberts.
Wow, that's a lot of hate.
In my head, Iona is a PerkyGoth now.