Sixteen Candles
is my least favorite Eighties Icon Movie. Except perhaps
Pretty In Pink,
which I've only seen once and simply couldn't handle, due to the fact that I hated every single character.
The Breakfast Club
Say Anything,
are definite winners in my mind, with
Say Anything
edging just slightly ahead. Mmm. Lloyd Dobbler.
I liked both of those, yes. I haven't seen
Pretty in Pink
yet. Not sure if I should, after this, although I want to appreciate "Ruskie Business."
OK, so if I haven't seen The Prestige yet, I should go see it cause I can get in free, right? And save Children of Men for later? Direct me, oh wise movie-istas...
Yes. Free
= good.
wait. what does Pretty in Pink have to do with Ruskie Business?
ETA: ignore me. i remember now. Meg and Duncan's outfits. really though, that's the only thing that's similar to Pretty in Pink.
is definitely a good thing. I'd take it, even if I've seen the film once already -- unfortunately I was having a bit of illness that involved running out to the toilets several times in the first half hour, so it would be good to be filled in with the stuff I couldn't see.
Except perhaps Pretty In Pink, which I've only seen once and simply couldn't handle, due to the fact that I hated every single character.
Slap my hand now! Also, I hated the politics of it. And just, well, damn near everything. I mean, what a waste of a vintage dress!
t insert Plei's standard PiP hate rant here.
I'll second that. Although it's not one I saw back in high school.
I'll second megan's sorrow over P-C's lack of love for
Sixteen Candles.
I think I was a freshman in college when PiP came out. I didn't see it 'til much later.